@NekotekinaHito What is doing, when you selecting "Start" or "Select"
I didn't test it properly, there are some other things to do...
???, ???, ???....??????? =D
wow, wow, wow...easier =)
Nekotekina, how i understand, you added NullBlock "0000fd80" ?
(03-22-2014, 08:46 AM)NekotekinaHito Wrote: [ -> ]Prepare yourselves!
[Image: VMu6nWM.jpg]
Nekotekina, have you committed your fix? If you have (Demuxer improvement, 1169fcd098b) it doesn't work here... same error as before.
Wow that's cool, I hope it will be playable soon
??? ???? ??????? ????)
(03-22-2014, 12:03 PM)fenix0082 Wrote: [ -> ]with the last commit Nekotekina
Same for me... Seems Nekotekina has another version of the game, his main menu says "Copyright NIS Euorpe". I have the US version.
So, for anyone who has the EU version, and would like to test it: latest version from Nekotekinas branch is here:
I would like to see a video where you mess around in the menus and all that good stuff

And also why it inevitably doesn't work after new game (gcm error? spurs? something else?)
Japanese 10011 works too.
But they both don't react on key presses.
(03-22-2014, 01:32 PM)NekotekinaHito Wrote: [ -> ]Japanese 10011 works too.
But they both don't react on key presses.
That would be because of these I guess:
[E : PPU[1] Thread (CPUThread)[0x0025a004]]: sys_io error: cellPadInfoPressMode(port_no=0)
[E : PPU[1] Thread (CPUThread)[0x0025a034]]: sys_io error: cellPadInfoSensorMode(port_no=0)