Ohh, these feelings =D
Gj team =)
NekotekinaHito It still lacks the video module I suppose?
To make it go further ^ ^
Wow! Just wow!
It was like yesterday the game was just "loadable" and now it actually renders something!
Like Neil Armstrong would say "That's one small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind!"
Congratulations developers, keep up the good work, you all are amazing!
So, completely at random I got some different output starting this game right now (from a clean start of rpcs3), rather than a read from null block, I got
"[E : PPU[2] Thread (Callback)[0x00261348]]: Unknown/Illegal opcode! (0x0002641c : 0x0 : 0x0) #pc: 0x261348"
In fact, this run it went even further than previously, loading more files such as "START.dat", which sounds really promising! Here is the full log:
Very great, work guys keep it up!..
@Dante38490, how do I can put games in the Game List of rpcs3 ?
(02-25-2014, 05:57 PM)Dante38490 Wrote: [ -> ] (02-25-2014, 04:34 PM)Fullbuster23 Wrote: [ -> ]@Dante38490, how do I can put games in the Game List of rpcs3 ?

oula, need to change a line of code lol, using GIT 
Thanks for the reply

but I will need to compile it ? I don't know how to compile, also I don't know what line I need to change. (yep I'm noob lol)
Peharps is better I wait rpcs3 devs add that.