This is amazing achievement. I've been watching this project for some time and I didn't expect commercial games running at all for quite some time.
where can i download the game? how big is it?
(03-02-2014, 02:31 PM)Ekaseo Wrote: [ -> ]where can i download the game? how big is it?
PSN or maybe Amazon... because you mean legally download it,
right? I am sure you can Google it.
My \dev_hdd0\game\BLUS30181 is 2,27 GB.
So, the changes by Nekotekina makes it run really good, no errors that seem too serious (well, maybe a few) until the last write to null block. Here is the log:
The good news is that the game is actually really loading when it displays "Now loading", it isn't just some stuck image. The frame rate updates -> frames are rendered and the game runs, and during this time there is I/O on the game data according to the log. The last file to be loaded is START.dat which is really promising, and one can almost guess what should happen next
Edit: The game dbg still shows
* openModules: ERROR! exit. (ret=0x88000002, file=NisLib/NisMovie.cpp:453)
* _NisMovie_Open: ERROR! exit. (ret=0x88000002, file=NisLib/NisMovie.cpp:794)
I prefer local web store.
If anyone want to experiment this post on xentax is valid for Disgaea 3.
I just unpacked START.dat, and it contains a whole bunch of files, including "TitleBg0.lzs" which is indeed good. (Haven't looked at it further, but it's probably an image in some format compressed with the lz algorithm. No, 7zip does not open it

NOT a game (I can't fix 88000002 issue yet), but video is becoming playable.
(03-04-2014, 11:37 AM)NekotekinaHito Wrote: [ -> ]NOT a game (I can't fix 88000002 issue yet), but video is becoming playable.
I am speechless. Absolutely amazing.
Good job!