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Need more info, how often does it crash now? Because as far as I'm concerned the game crashed far too often previously to be considered playable,
while the cutscene fix is good I don't think it's enough for us to consider this game as playable yet.
Unfortunately I've beaten the game monthes ago so I can't test it extensively like before.
I'll try to test it with the remaining side quests & try to measure how stable it is.
Hope someone who's still playing the game can report on it too.
So I just started playing this game on the emulator some days ago. At the beginning it stucked in some cutscenes as described by you after some updates and patches these days it runs pretty well. I had one error last night, it stucked during a talk with some npc
Often have a crash in the book.
With latest commit #4469 and version 0.0.5-6692 I have played for several hours and not encountered a single crash! FPS is also boosted a good bit! I'm mostly at 30fps now and hardly ever go below 25fps on a 4790k. I think it's safe to put the game back to playable status

Will report back if I encounter any crashes. Have the day off tomorrow and will play for several more hours
Edit: I have now played somewhere between 5 to 10 hours on 0.0.5-6692 and just got my first crash, but not one I've gotten before. It seemed like it was an issue with the graphics driver. Any point uploading the log? Anyway... the crashes we had before seems totally gone.
I have played for about six hours and i have a few crashes, two, maybe three at random situations. Most of the time i have 30fps at 1080p with minor drops to 25fps.
Always have crash on the sea near skull mountain. Try to fight sea battle 3-10 times and u will have crash.
F {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: Assertion Failed! Vulkan API call failed with unrecoverable error: Device lost (Driver crashed with unspecified error or stopped responding and recovered) (VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST)
(in file c:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\vk\VKHelpers.h:937)
version 6693
That crash only happens with Vulkan. (VK = Vulkan) try OpenGL.
will there be a 60FPS patch just like in the Demon Soul
I tested the game with the version 0.0.5-6743,but the game hangs on the first upload, but the video is so you can watch live.
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
Ram: 16 gb
Processor: Intel core i7 3770 3.40 ghz
Videocard:Gigabyte Ge Force GTX 1060 6 gb
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