(04-18-2020, 05:07 AM)iusedtohaveajob Wrote: [ -> ]Vulkan configuration is working perfectly. Thanks to all who made this workable.
Anyone have an idea how to make Custom Stadium Sounds workable? I had ~80% of the Power 5 school custom cadences/songs on my Playstation version, but I cannot for the life of me find where to transport those music files so this version detects the files.
Appreciate if anyone has attempted this yet and is willing to help me out. It's probably a stupid mistake on my end but I've spent hours attempting with no luck 
What vulkan config? I have the video pretty well setup but the sound issues in game are terrible. Cracking and very slow talking like its slowed down or something. I have tried like seriously 100 different configs....getting very frustrated and about to give up on this game setup. Could you please share all of your settings, like a few screenshots?
Also here is my setup if that helps....
Intel i5-7500
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1070
24GB of DDR4 RAM
Please help and help is much appreciated.
(06-27-2020, 05:26 PM)djgocards Wrote: [ -> ]Also here is my setup if that helps....
Intel i5-7500
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1070
24GB of DDR4 RAM
there is no way you will play this game smooth with that cpu. you will need a modern intel or ryzen with at least 6c12t. 4 cores/threads isnt even close to being enough for this title
Speaking of performance - I have an i7 7700k at 4.5GHz and a GTX 1070ti and no matter what settings I use, I always have low performance. I will be in the middle of games with 5 fps randomly, then jumps to 20, then to 4, then to 23, etc.
Eventually the game just freezes/crashes and I have to exit out. Anyone ever had issues like this?
whenever i load into road to glory my game is stuck on loading, i made it through HS and my freshman year without this issue happening. any fixes?
get occasional freezes when I super sim
The latest builds broke the game.
Here's some settings I've used for the current build, 0.0.13-11249 Alpha.
Only issue ive noticed so far is choppy audio, particularly crowd noise, granted I have only put a couple hours in so far.
Thanks in advance for any advice you can give. Can anyone give me sense of what kind of CPU I need to run this game well. I am going to build a new comp anyway, so I want to build one that can run this emulator well, and specifically NCAA College Football games.
I am hearing that you need an 8core/16thread CPU to really run this well, but there is a significant price range for 8/16 CPUs, and I wondered if anyone could help me get more specific. Does anyone know if any 8/16 CPU will meet the threshold to run this emulator well, meaning I can get a cheaper one, or do I need a higher end/newer 8/16?
Intel only has a couple 8/16 or better CPUs to choose from, the i7-10700K and i9-9900K (the others are really high end CPUs that are way too expensive).
AMD, on the other hand, has lots of 8/16 Ryzen 7 CPUs (1700's from 2017, 2700's from 2018, and 3700s from 2019). Does it really matter which of these I choose. I don't want to buy more than I really need.
Or, does anyone think a 6/12 CPU would work well and save me some money?
Any help is appreciated, thank you!
I got through a couple season and now when I load the game it will freeze within 10 minutes, making the game unplayable. I have tried tweaking settings but so far nothing has fixed the issue? Anyone else having these issues or know of any solutions?
I actually run this pretty well I get between 30-70 fps but I occasionally get game and menu freezes. and want to solve them.
Rig Specs: I have an i5 8400k at 2.80GHz auto overclocked at over 4GHz and a GTX 1660 TI
I am sparcely able to play a full game here and there and then can't run another full one for quite awhile because the game comes to a complete freeze but I can still hear the game progressing in the background.