I got some crashes on custom build from blog while exploring a palace.
I got this error in logfile:
·F 0:07:52.694742 {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: Failed to compile vertex shader
(in file Emu\RSX\VK\VKVertexProgram.cpp:401)
I've attached a full log if needed.
Do I need a blu-ray disk drive to play the disk version of the game?
Persona 5 crashes on build 0.0.3-5529 when enabling the Downmix to Stereo option.
If not check it works fine. This is just an FYI.
Also what is the recommendation for all games, down mix true or false?
Attached is log.
Hi i´m new here. So i´m following the quick guide using the "Dumping games and software with a Blu-ray drive" and i have my .iso file but i can´t find the .ird in the link of the guide so i wanted to ask where i can find that file to patch my .iso
(07-30-2017, 07:31 AM)FibYar Wrote: [ -> ]I got some crashes on custom build from blog while exploring a palace.
I got this error in logfile:
·F 0:07:52.694742 {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: Failed to compile vertex shader
(in file Emu\RSX\VK\VKVertexProgram.cpp:401)
I've attached a full log if needed.
I've gotten this error too sometimes, but it's usually when I've been running the game for a while (at least an hour or two), and only within Palaces. Stopping the emulator doesn't seem to fix the possibility of getting the error, but closing it and opening it again does seem to get rid of the error for a while.
(07-31-2017, 01:03 AM)Alverik Wrote: [ -> ] (07-30-2017, 07:31 AM)FibYar Wrote: [ -> ]I got some crashes on custom build from blog while exploring a palace.
I got this error in logfile:
·F 0:07:52.694742 {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: Failed to compile vertex shader
(in file Emu\RSX\VK\VKVertexProgram.cpp:401)
I've attached a full log if needed.
I've gotten this error too sometimes, but it's usually when I've been running the game for a while (at least an hour or two), and only within Palaces. Stopping the emulator doesn't seem to fix the possibility of getting the error, but closing it and opening it again does seem to get rid of the error for a while.
Well, the last time I have played less than 10 minutes
(07-31-2017, 05:45 AM)FibYar Wrote: [ -> ] (07-31-2017, 01:03 AM)Alverik Wrote: [ -> ] (07-30-2017, 07:31 AM)FibYar Wrote: [ -> ]I got some crashes on custom build from blog while exploring a palace.
I got this error in logfile:
·F 0:07:52.694742 {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: Failed to compile vertex shader
(in file Emu\RSX\VK\VKVertexProgram.cpp:401)
I've attached a full log if needed.
I've gotten this error too sometimes, but it's usually when I've been running the game for a while (at least an hour or two), and only within Palaces. Stopping the emulator doesn't seem to fix the possibility of getting the error, but closing it and opening it again does seem to get rid of the error for a while.
Well, the last time I have played less than 10 minutes 
Never happened to me,
Use this build:
What are your specs? (CPU+GPU+RAM)
(07-31-2017, 10:23 AM)Hybrid Wrote: [ -> ]Never happened to me,
Use this build: https://rpcs3.net/blog/wp-content/upload...duler3.7z
What are your specs? (CPU+GPU+RAM)
This is exactly the build I'm using. My specs: Core i5-3470 (3,2 GHz, IvyBridge), 8GB RAM, GTX 1060 3GB.
I had same error when I was trying to get into vent in Sixth Palace (restarting game wasn't helping) . I just switch one option in NVIDIA control panel and it worked for me. Sorry but I am not sure which one. Probably something with texture filtering.
Hi i´m new here. i´m following the quick guide and dumped my game so i have the iso but i can´t find the ird on the link in the guide so i wanted to ask if anyone have the ird file to patch my iso.