I would like to share my experience with the game...
i7 6700K 4GHz
GTX 980Ti 6GB
Ram Memory 16GB
The game runs good,ingame UFC Videos/Clips run very smooth with no Problems at all...
I see only few small bugs and 1 main Problem...right now.
- Music stutters sometimes,but not a huge deal. (i turned it off)
- Few Graphic issues like that shadowing on character (what you can see on my Pictures)
the first 2 Pictures are,when I join character Screen. For the first 1 second when I choose a char the Image Looks good,then It gets darked out.
- Some Txt flickering in Carrier mode.
- inGame Fight Speed is like in Slowmotion,maybe it's at 10% even if I have 30FPS ingame when I fight.

this is a Major Problem for me.
How do I Upload a logg file ? Do I just copy&paste the txt and put it into a txt file ?
If someone can help me out with something let me know please.
I'll go and test the latest build...from the 30th...
- some random Crash happens
- Training in Career mode "Sandbag seems to Crash the game 100% ,when you finish the Manual Training and go back to career menu.
-Tested all Training sessions in career mode, with Auto mode it works on all sessions without any Crash.