Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi [BLUS30823]
Started by Yagami Light9

6 posts in this topic
Yagami Light9

04-26-2016, 09:56 PM -

-PPU - Interpreter 2
-SPU - Interpreter ASMJIT
-Open-GL / Vulkan


Log : https://gist.github.com/SakataGintokiYT/...c7cba58706

Quote:{PPU[0x9b] Thread (sp_sound_font_synthesis_thread) [0x0060bd80]} struct vm::access_violation thrown: Access violation reading address 0x1004998

Quote:{PPU[0x90] Thread (sp_file_server_load_thread) [0x006b307c]} MEM: Invalid d_size (0x4)

Quote:{PPU[0x90] Thread (sp_file_server_load_thread) [0x006b307c]} struct vm::access_violation thrown: Access violation writing address 0xffffffff
{PPU[0x8] Thread (main_thread) [0x00619d04]} struct vm::access_violation thrown: Access violation reading address 0x8
{PPU[0x3d] Thread (cri_adxm_vv_proc) [0x00628de0]} struct vm::access_violation thrown: Access violation reading address 0xa8dda7d5

Quote:{rsx::thread} class fmt::exception thrown: D3D12GSRender::flip(): HRESULT = The parameter is incorrect.
(in file C:\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\D3D12\D3D12GSRender.cpp:522)


04-26-2016, 11:40 PM -
LLE need Only
and rpcs3 show first error totally random
Quote:{SPU[0x74] Thread (SP_LIB CellSpursKernel0) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c20: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0xa5a5a5a5)
{SPU[0x74] Thread (SP_LIB CellSpursKernel0) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c24: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0xa5a5a5a5)
{SPU[0x74] Thread (SP_LIB CellSpursKernel0) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c28: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0xa5a5a5a5)
{SPU[0x74] Thread (SP_LIB CellSpursKernel0) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c2c: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0xa5a5a5a5)
{SPU[0x74] Thread (SP_LIB CellSpursKernel0) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c30: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0x4a4f4243)
{SPU[0x74] Thread (SP_LIB CellSpursKernel0) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c34: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0x52542056)
{SPU[0x74] Thread (SP_LIB CellSpursKernel0) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c38: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0x65723133)
{PPU[0x7] Thread (main_thread) [0x005fcc20]} struct vm::access_violation thrown: Access violation reading address 0x4ba3
if you have this error, juste press restart, restart etc ^^
I you have a lucky, passe warning screen save news error
Quote:{PPU[0x9a] Thread (sp_sound_font_synthesis_thread) [0x0060bb88]} struct vm::access_violation thrown: Access violation reading address 0xeeed4992
RPCS3 Tester

2,670 posts 1,777 threads Joined: Aug 2017
05-21-2017, 01:12 AM -
RPCS3 v0.0.2-3-d5107aa Alpha
Quote:·F 0:00:12.777689 {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x005fc818]} MEM: Access violation reading location 0xfffffff9

11 posts 0 threads Joined: Sep 2017
09-21-2017, 02:46 AM -
Rpcs3 0.0.3 - Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi Intro 30FPS
This post was last modified: 09-21-2017, 02:46 AM by monuxl007.

1 posts 0 threads Joined: Sep 2017
09-21-2017, 11:45 PM -
This game already passes the start stage, the menu works perfect, but does not load the textures or the shadows which causes crashes inside the game. should be in "ingame"

[Image: 1-5317ede.png][Image: 2-5317f06.png]

E {rsx::thread} RSX: Invalid RSX method 0xac40 (arg=0xa0003eaa)
(in file C:\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\rsx_methods.cpp:45)
E {rsx::thread} RSX: Invalid RSX method 0xac40 (arg=0xa0003eaa)
(in file C:\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\rsx_methods.cpp:45)
E {rsx::thread} RSX: Invalid RSX method 0xac40 (arg=0xa0003eaa)
(in file C:\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\rsx_methods.cpp:45)
E {rsx::thread} RSX: Unknown/illegal instruction: 0x3f (forced unit 0)
E {rsx::thread} RSX: Unknown/illegal instruction: 0x3f (forced unit 0)
E {rsx::thread} RSX: Unknown/illegal instruction: 0x3f (forced unit 0)
E {PPU[0x1000008] Thread (_cellsurMixerMain) [0x00611a94]} Stat: 'sys_lwmutex_lock' failed with 0x80010005 : CELL_ESRCH [x170616]
E {PPU[0x1000008] Thread (_cellsurMixerMain) [0x00611a94]} Stat: 'sys_lwmutex_unlock' failed with 0x80010009 : CELL_EPERM [x170616]

In this case it makes you lack textures to be able to load quickly, it has many crashes

[Image: 3-5317f31.png]

RPCS3 kd-11

72 posts 7 threads Joined: Jul 2020
07-12-2020, 02:22 AM -
this is games had a lot of bugs fixeds

72 posts 7 threads Joined: Jul 2020
07-14-2020, 06:51 PM -
rpcs3 v0.0.11 10662 42a9ac9e64 build  i had use for testing

Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi is playable.


.gz   RPCS3.log.gz (Size: 239.13 KB / Downloads: 123)
This post was last modified: 07-18-2020, 01:35 AM by Mew21. Edit Reason: forgot to the build and getting to it

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