-PPU - Interpreter 2
-SPU - Interpreter ASMJIT
-Open-GL / Vulkan
Log :
Quote:{PPU[0x9b] Thread (sp_sound_font_synthesis_thread) [0x0060bd80]} struct vm::access_violation thrown: Access violation reading address 0x1004998
Quote:{PPU[0x90] Thread (sp_file_server_load_thread) [0x006b307c]} MEM: Invalid d_size (0x4)
Quote:{PPU[0x90] Thread (sp_file_server_load_thread) [0x006b307c]} struct vm::access_violation thrown: Access violation writing address 0xffffffff
{PPU[0x8] Thread (main_thread) [0x00619d04]} struct vm::access_violation thrown: Access violation reading address 0x8
{PPU[0x3d] Thread (cri_adxm_vv_proc) [0x00628de0]} struct vm::access_violation thrown: Access violation reading address 0xa8dda7d5
Quote:{rsx::thread} class fmt::exception thrown: D3D12GSRender::flip(): HRESULT = The parameter is incorrect.
(in file C:\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\D3D12\D3D12GSRender.cpp:522)
LLE need Only
and rpcs3 show first error totally random
Quote:{SPU[0x74] Thread (SP_LIB CellSpursKernel0) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c20: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0xa5a5a5a5)
{SPU[0x74] Thread (SP_LIB CellSpursKernel0) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c24: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0xa5a5a5a5)
{SPU[0x74] Thread (SP_LIB CellSpursKernel0) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c28: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0xa5a5a5a5)
{SPU[0x74] Thread (SP_LIB CellSpursKernel0) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c2c: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0xa5a5a5a5)
{SPU[0x74] Thread (SP_LIB CellSpursKernel0) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c30: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0x4a4f4243)
{SPU[0x74] Thread (SP_LIB CellSpursKernel0) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c34: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0x52542056)
{SPU[0x74] Thread (SP_LIB CellSpursKernel0) [0x04c00]} SPU: 0x04c38: Unknown/Illegal opcode (0x65723133)
{PPU[0x7] Thread (main_thread) [0x005fcc20]} struct vm::access_violation thrown: Access violation reading address 0x4ba3
if you have this error, juste press restart, restart etc ^^
I you have a lucky, passe warning screen save news error
Quote:{PPU[0x9a] Thread (sp_sound_font_synthesis_thread) [0x0060bb88]} struct vm::access_violation thrown: Access violation reading address 0xeeed4992
RPCS3 v0.0.2-3-d5107aa Alpha
Quote:·F 0:00:12.777689 {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x005fc818]} MEM: Access violation reading location 0xfffffff9
Rpcs3 0.0.3 - Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi Intro 30FPS
This game already passes the start stage, the menu works perfect, but does not load the textures or the shadows which causes crashes inside the game. should be in "ingame"
[Image: 1-5317ede.png][Image: 2-5317f06.png]
E {rsx::thread} RSX: Invalid RSX method 0xac40 (arg=0xa0003eaa)
(in file C:\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\rsx_methods.cpp:45)
E {rsx::thread} RSX: Invalid RSX method 0xac40 (arg=0xa0003eaa)
(in file C:\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\rsx_methods.cpp:45)
E {rsx::thread} RSX: Invalid RSX method 0xac40 (arg=0xa0003eaa)
(in file C:\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\rsx_methods.cpp:45)
E {rsx::thread} RSX: Unknown/illegal instruction: 0x3f (forced unit 0)
E {rsx::thread} RSX: Unknown/illegal instruction: 0x3f (forced unit 0)
E {rsx::thread} RSX: Unknown/illegal instruction: 0x3f (forced unit 0)
E {PPU[0x1000008] Thread (_cellsurMixerMain) [0x00611a94]} Stat: 'sys_lwmutex_lock' failed with 0x80010005 : CELL_ESRCH [x170616]
E {PPU[0x1000008] Thread (_cellsurMixerMain) [0x00611a94]} Stat: 'sys_lwmutex_unlock' failed with 0x80010009 : CELL_EPERM [x170616]
In this case it makes you lack textures to be able to load quickly, it has many crashes
[Image: 3-5317f31.png]
RPCS3 kd-11
this is games had a lot of bugs fixeds