03-16-2014, 10:56 AM -
(03-16-2014, 10:45 AM)ssshadow Wrote: Update! The analog stick required to move block does work under the condition that another key is held in at the same time. So if I hold in X (mapped to j) I can used page up/page down to move blocks, and move the cursor around with WASD. As soon as I release X, things stop working.
Also, home, page up, etc, is horrible to use on a laptop keyboardHere is a new video where we actually play the game: http://youtu.be/JrCRs39RAr8
If you look at the code, that's how it's supposed to work. I even pointed that portion of the code some posts ago (page 7). It was coded 2 months ago. I guess I should've played the game in my demo video instead of just showing it running.