Double Dragon Neon [NPUB30764]
Started by notq

12 posts in this topic

2,060 posts 83 threads Joined: Aug 2017
04-18-2019, 01:37 PM -
The other post says progress didn't save at the final boss, I'm assuming he beat it. No need for another video, just need to know if that is working or not. Could also try messaging that user "Testing" on the forum and ask him if you can't beat the boss.

175 posts 19 threads Joined: Jan 2018
04-18-2019, 04:47 PM -
Just finished the game from start to finish.

Promote to Playable.

Vulkan - default settings
PPU: LLVM Recompiler
SPU: ASMJIT Recomplier

All other settings are global defaults.

Game version: 1.01

60fps always, never dropped below. Game never once had any slowdown or framerate drop. Loading times were fast.
Perfect graphics - no corruption, tearing or artifacts.
Perfect sound - no hissing, popping, stuttering or slowdown.
Final Boss fight never crashed, froze or died. Constant, smooth framerate during whole fight.

Log is too big - 14MB. If someone can provide larger file upload size allowable, I can post it, or some other alternative place to post it.
Screenshots attached
This post was last modified: 04-19-2019, 01:51 AM by crispy81.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)


1 posts 0 threads Joined: Mar 2020
03-19-2020, 08:08 AM -
This game is playable; but I cannot complete it. Plays perfectly until I reach the Mega Tank boss and the game suddenly freezes while the tank is exploding and the controllers are shaking. It just keeps going and does not seem to come out the "loop".

RPCS3 Version: v0.0.9-9947 Alpha [2020-03-19]
Dragon Version: USA - 1.01
AMD Radeon R9 380

Games has perfect graphics, sound, etc; but it freezes on this boos and have attempted to set up a Custom Configuration; but nothing goes. Anyone else having this problem? Someone have a solution?


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