Update 0.0.11-10792 Makes Lego Dimensions Crash Past Press Start Screen
Started by Lego Dimensions Master

3 posts in this topic
Lego Dimensions Master

12 posts 2 threads Joined: Mar 2020
02-24-2023, 11:09 PM -
So did you guys fix this issue yet? I still get the same error above with the latest version of RPCS3 and it has been an entire year since I reported this game breaking bug. Because without the PSN Network being simulated, I can't play any of the Lego Dimensions DLC on the RPCS3 emulator. Is there any way to make the game not freeze at the Press Start screen when the Network Connection is connected and the PSN Network is connected? There is a compatibility page now for Lego Dimensions so you guys know this is a game breaking bug. It just says to keep the Network Connection set to disconnected and the PSN Network to disconnected. It doesn't say how to fix this bug if you want to play the Lego Dimensions DLC. That is just a workaround for people to play the vanilla Lego Dimensions game. But you can't play any DLC without the PSN Network being connected. Any help with this rather frustrating issue would be most appreciated.


I found a workaround using save states to get past the freeze at the Press Start screen. But now I am getting a yellow message in the emulator log that keeps repeating in a constant loop that is slowing down the emulator and making it lag. Here is the message:

U sceNpCommerce2 TODO: sceNpCommerce2GetContentInfo(result=*0xd00ff448, index=2513003, contentInfo=*0xd00ff41c)

I already have Suspend Emulation Savestate Mode set to true and I only loaded the save state once. I save stated after I pressed start and the game froze. Once I loaded the save state the game continues but then once I press the X button that yellow message above appears in the emulator logs and makes the emulator lag. It never stops and it makes the game unplayable. Any help with this rather confusing issue would be most appreciated.
This post was last modified: 02-25-2023, 02:20 AM by Lego Dimensions Master.

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RE: Update 0.0.11-10792 Makes Lego Dimensions Crash Past Press Start Screen - by Lego Dimensions Master - 02-24-2023, 11:09 PM

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