One of the updates of RPCS3 called 0.0.11-10791 has broken Lego Dimensions where you can't get past the Press Start screen. Once I Press Start it completely crashes the game and the emulator with this error:
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
F {PPU[0x1000016] Thread (NuDLCManager::UpdateRequest) [0x01bc518c]} VM: Access violation reading location 0x0 (unmapped memory)
This happens from version 0.0.11-10791 and every other version after that. Here is the regression that messed up Lego Dimensions:
Build Date: 23 days ago (2020-08-27)
Online/Matchmaking support:
The latest version that works without a crash after pressing the start button is version 0.0.11-10790. So something you guys added or removed after version 0.0.11-10790 makes Lego Dimensions unplayable past the Press Start screen.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! 
I found out what causes Lego Dimensions to crash when you push the start button at the main title screen. For some reason the
version 0.0.11-10791 update has broken RPCS3's ability to have a working simulated PSN network. Because when I set the PSN Status setting in the Network tab to disconnected and turn off the Network Connection by setting it to Disconnected the game works fine past the Press Start screen. So that update must have screwed up how RPCS3 sets up a simulated PSN network. Also if I try to use the new option of RPCN it gets past the press start screen but then hangs constantly loading on the main title screen. So the only thing that fixes this is having the internet connection and PSN disconnected from RPCS3.
This still happens on the latest update of RPCS3, version 0.0.12-10972.
Pull request SPU: Fix extremely rare bug of GETLLAR #9011.
If you guys could fix this rather strange bug with the simulated PSN Network then that would be great. The game runs fine but I have to be disconnected from the PSN Network. Which means I can't download any DLC until this is fixed. I can revert to an older 0.0.11-10790 version to install DLC, but I think this bug should be addressed and fixed before it screws up any other games in the future. Thanks!
I have this same issue above again and it shows this error message whenever I try to press start past the main menu screen in Lego Dimensions:
F {PPU[0x1000016] Thread (NuDLCManager::UpdateRequest) [0x01bc518c]} VM: Access violation reading location 0x0 (unmapped memory)
For some reason the version 0.0.18-12729 update has broken RPCS3's ability to have a working simulated PSN network. Because when I set the PSN Status setting in the Network tab to disconnected and turn off the Network Connection by setting it to Disconnected the game works fine past the Press Start screen. But I cannot play any DLC from Lego Dimensions because it requires you to be connected to the PSN Network. So I cannot get further in the game until you guys fix this issue. So that last update must have screwed up how RPCS3 sets up a simulated PSN network. Also if I try to use the new option of RPCN it gets past the press start screen but then hangs constantly loading on the main title screen. So the only thing that fixes this is having the internet connection and PSN disconnected from RPCS3. I used to be able to resume playing by pressing the play button in the emulator, but this functionality has been disabled from the Github pull request below:
This still happens on the latest update of RPCS3, version 0.0.20-13300.
Pull request = Do not allow to unpause after fatal error occured in emulation #10833
If you guys could fix this rather strange bug with the simulated PSN Network then that would be great, or restore the ability to unpause the emulator after a fatal error. Because when the game pauses after pressing start it really isn't a fatal error. You can recover from it if you guys re-enable the ability to resume emulation after a fatal error has occured. The game runs fine but I have to be disconnected from the PSN Network. Which means that I can't download or play any DLC until this is fixed. Older versions of RPCS3 from 0.0.18-12727 and below work, but versions after 0.0.18-12727 don't work anymore so this has been an issue since September 2021. I think this bug should be addressed and fixed before it screws up any other games in the future. Plus I want to use the latest version of the RPCS3 emulator so that I get fixes that improve FPS and performance, I don't want to rely on an old version because shader caches will not be compatible with new versions of RPCS3 and vise versa. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

So did you guys fix this issue yet? I still get the same error above with the latest version of RPCS3 and it has been an entire year since I reported this game breaking bug. Because without the PSN Network being simulated, I can't play any of the Lego Dimensions DLC on the RPCS3 emulator. Is there any way to make the game not freeze at the Press Start screen when the Network Connection is connected and the PSN Network is connected? There is a compatibility page now for Lego Dimensions so you guys know this is a game breaking bug. It just says to keep the Network Connection set to disconnected and the PSN Network to disconnected. It doesn't say how to fix this bug if you want to play the Lego Dimensions DLC. That is just a workaround for people to play the vanilla Lego Dimensions game. But you can't play any DLC without the PSN Network being connected. Any help with this rather frustrating issue would be most appreciated.
I found a workaround using save states to get past the freeze at the Press Start screen. But now I am getting a yellow message in the emulator log that keeps repeating in a constant loop that is slowing down the emulator and making it lag. Here is the message:
U sceNpCommerce2 TODO: sceNpCommerce2GetContentInfo(result=*0xd00ff448, index=2513003, contentInfo=*0xd00ff41c)
I already have Suspend Emulation Savestate Mode set to true and I only loaded the save state once. I save stated after I pressed start and the game froze. Once I loaded the save state the game continues but then once I press the X button that yellow message above appears in the emulator logs and makes the emulator lag. It never stops and it makes the game unplayable. Any help with this rather confusing issue would be most appreciated.