Namco System 357 emulation
Started by WitherZ2008

7 posts in this topic

1 posts 0 threads Joined: Sep 2022
09-09-2022, 06:22 PM -
i was able to pass the test and go in tekken 6.0 (VANILLA!) arcade menu.
sadly i cant move anything my friend said "It’s just that some I/O boards run at a different frequency and the game pcb auto selects to that frequency to make use of the I/O board"
if JVS wasnt emulated the clock would be not ticking, i just cant move anything sadly.

Messages In This Thread
Namco System 357 emulation - by WitherZ2008 - 01-12-2019, 09:08 PM
RE: Namco System 357 emulation - by Ani - 01-14-2019, 06:45 PM
RE: Namco System 357 emulation - by WitherZ2008 - 01-16-2019, 09:54 PM
RE: Namco System 357 emulation - by ps0ne - 01-28-2019, 09:20 PM
RE: Namco System 357 emulation - by WitherZ2008 - 06-04-2019, 03:55 PM
RE: Namco System 357 emulation - by ps0ne - 06-21-2020, 10:17 AM
RE: Namco System 357 emulation - by bobbydilley - 05-25-2021, 04:34 PM
RE: Namco System 357 emulation - by alertmeanxiety - 09-09-2022, 06:22 PM

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