01-05-2016, 01:17 PM -
Tested on recent master build. Requires .sdat files decrypted and libSre LLE'd. Shows menus, graphics kinda broken. Crashes after choosing difficulty.
RSX: E {rsx::thread} Src type 3 used, please report this to a developer.
RSX: E {rsx::thread} Src type 3 used, please report this to a developer.
RSX: E {rsx::thread} Src type 3 used, please report this to a developer.
RSX: E {rsx::thread} FS build failed:D:\rpcs3\FragmentProgram.hlsl(96,75): error X3000: syntax error: unexpected token '.'
D:\rpcs3\FragmentProgram.hlsl(96,71-80): error X3013: 'abs': no matching 0 parameter intrinsic function
D:\rpcs3\FragmentProgram.hlsl(96,71-80): error X3013: Possible intrinsic functions are:
D:\rpcs3\FragmentProgram.hlsl(96,71-80): error X3013: abs(float|half|double|min10float|min16float|int|uint|min12int|min16int|min16uint)