06-26-2014, 09:33 PM -
(06-26-2014, 07:57 PM)hassanrazza Wrote: All I am getting is a black screen with 40-45 fps, and i am pressing cross but nothing happens...
That happens when \USRDIR\util_ps3\dm.EDAT is not decrypted, I saw it myself.
You can decrypt it by looking at this post: http://www.emunewz.net/forum/showthread....#pid211960
and use the commands below. (First place BOOT.bin in the same folder as make_npdata.exe and dm.EDAT)
make_npdata -v -b dm.EDAT BOOT.bin 0
make_npdata -v -d dm.EDAT out.EDAT 8
Or don't bother, this game doesn't do anything else but display the very broken graphics you see above