Yakuza Ishin! [BLJM61149]
Started by Renusek

3 posts in this topic

41 posts 19 threads Joined: Aug 2017
08-17-2017, 08:11 PM -
master build (vertex rewrite)

Automatic LLE / Liblv2 - both are working

low fps, setting SPU Preferred Thread to 1 makes main menu flicker

in OpenGL character models are black, Vulkan works almost fine

Some screens:


Game is trying to sync trophies, but you can close the dialog and continue to play the game https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/2...nknown.png

41 posts 19 threads Joined: Aug 2017
10-17-2017, 09:45 AM -
No longer renders game graphics - black screen + UI only.

edit: works again
This post was last modified: 04-18-2018, 06:29 PM by Renusek.

44 posts 10 threads Joined: Aug 2017
11-18-2018, 03:52 PM -

(Keep ingame) Just an update on how the game is doing.

i5-7300HQ | GTX 1050

Due to the multiple different results, I uploaded 3 Vulkan Logs in the same .7z (Allowed by Digitaldude555)

Whats currently good:
 - Renders pretty well, so far only have seen a spot with lightning issues (shown in #media)

Whats currently bad:
 - Performance is low as hecc (the game is tied to FPS)
 - Crashes pretty often
 - OpenGL performs even worse, performance wise.
 - Upscaling doesn't do a good job
 - Due to poor performance, cutscenes have weird visual issues.

There are three major issues with this game:

1FPS LOCK - Affects the yakuza games: Dead Souls, 5, 0, Ishin and Kiwami
Vulkan only (1st log and 1st image)

The game will remain locked to 1 FPS unless we change the Driver Recovery Timeout in the settings to something as low as 30000.

The default is 1000000 which means 1000ms = 1fps
Changing to 33333 would be 33.3ms = 30fps

The game basically locks the fps depending on the Driver Recovery Timeout is set
Shown at the 1st image of this post.

CRASH (1 - Hardcrash) - Only Ishin
Vulkan only (1st log and 2nd image)

w/ Driver Recovery Timeout Lowered

This one will completely crash the whole emulator in a matter of seconds, most of the time I can barely reach ingame.

Edit: Enabling Disable ZCull Occlusion Queries fixes this crash but models will become pitch blacc

CRASH (2 - NormalCrash) - Every yakuza except Kenzan and 1&2
(Both logs have it)

Doesn't matter which CPU and GPU settings, the game will always crash randomly at a unknown time.
This post was last modified: 12-18-2018, 11:34 PM by MsDarkLow. Edit Reason: 1FPS Lock its not only in Vulkan.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.7z   RPCS3YakuzaIshinVulkanResults.7z (Size: 723.3 KB / Downloads: 27)
.gz   RPCS3YakuzaOpenGL.log.gz (Size: 685.64 KB / Downloads: 23)
Just chilling around here I suppose.
I'm literally from Portugal. What else do you want to know.

Discord: loweyslitsman

44 posts 10 threads Joined: Aug 2017
05-19-2022, 06:52 PM -
RPCS3 v0.0.22-13601-7ddeb0d0 Alpha

I've completed the game around 2019 or so with 8700K and there was only one definite crash but with a workaround. However I haven't been able to reproduce it ever since then, and I don't remember how I did, so more input is appreciated!

i7-8700K @ 5GHz | RTX 3080 | DDR4-3000MHz CL16

Nowadays the game works a lot better and performance is great at least with this system.
I can pretty much stay above at or above 30fps 99% of the time and I don't seem to get crashes as long Accurate Getllar is enabled!
I'd say it's pretty playable myself.

For the settings please use the Yakuza Ishin! RPCS3 Wiki or check the log.
Using SPU MLAA patch is heavily recommended as it only provides performance without any downsides! -  Disable SPU MLAA - Multiple titles (01)
Just make sure your resolution scale is NOT 100%

This CPU has TSX but I tested without it and it worked pretty great, the video below shows that.
You can even use 120hz vblank if you have a powerful enough system just like mine to reach 60fps at many other areas for a smoother experience.

I've uploaded a video on YouTube showing the 1st and 2nd chapter without TSX. Starting from the 2nd Chapter that's where you'll spend a good portion of the game at and that's the performance you should be more looking towards to.

This post was last modified: 05-19-2022, 07:07 PM by MsDarkLow. Edit Reason: Say it's playable. Also Typos

Attached Files
.gz   RPCS3.log.gz (Size: 2.79 MB / Downloads: 13)
Just chilling around here I suppose.
I'm literally from Portugal. What else do you want to know.

Discord: loweyslitsman

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