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Full Version: Pull RAP files from PS3 HDD
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Hello all. I'm a noob in need of some guidance. I am enjoying Rock Band 3 with RPCS3, but want to access the DLC songs that I have paid for and have on my PS3 HDD. I do not condone piracy. Using HEN, MultiMan, and FileZilla, I was able to pull the songs themselves and put them on my PC in the appropriate folder. Now, RPCS3 and Rock Band 3 on my PC recognize these songs, but will not allow me to play them because I do not have the necessary RAP files (I'm getting the error "Unable to load song, skipping...").  Reading through all of the forums and using Google, I can see where everyone is telling people to put their RAP files into the dev_hdd0/exdata folder on their PS3, so I assumed that's where the RAP files would be for the songs I own. Sadly, this is not the case (my PS3's exdata folder is empty). Since many of these songs are no longer available for purchase, I need to find a way to get them off of my PS3 and onto my PC. Is this possible? I really appreciate your help.
If your exdata folder is empty and you have the DLC downloaded and working, it's probably taking the decryption keys from somewhere else

You need to upload a log file so we can see what checks the game is trying to make before it skips loading the songs

For reference: