Basicly at same state as EU version.
Menus loads, but freeze when game selected, therefor must be loaded with SELF file.
Graphics are good, same as performance. Managed to finish 1st part (with several crashes on power up statue menu).
Works with GL/VK l,iblv2.sprx only LLVM and ASMJIT.
(09-02-2017, 02:31 AM)vlakipn Wrote: [ -> ]Currently at same state as here: EU version
I'm trying play this game and it loads fine in the main area and also when I select DMC1 but, when I try to play the game, its sluggish and the audio does not follow the cinematic. Even outside the videos the game plays sluggish. Here is the information:
Fedora 27
Nvidia GTX 755 TI drivers 387.22
Intel® Core i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz
Using appimage version v0.0.4 from the download page
11 GB of RAM
Pics of my configuration
Video showing the issue
(12-05-2017, 03:05 AM)jlozadad Wrote: [ -> ]Got the game to play in a better state but, there is still issues with the audio stuttering. Here are the config
Did you test to set your SPU settings from auto to 1 or 2? Sometimes it helps by shuttering sound.
(12-05-2017, 08:46 AM)NotSerious Wrote: [ -> ] (12-05-2017, 03:05 AM)jlozadad Wrote: [ -> ]Got the game to play in a better state but, there is still issues with the audio stuttering. Here are the config
Did you test to set your SPU settings from auto to 1 or 2? Sometimes it helps by shuttering sound.
Let me try that.
(12-05-2017, 08:46 AM)NotSerious Wrote: [ -> ] (12-05-2017, 03:05 AM)jlozadad Wrote: [ -> ]Got the game to play in a better state but, there is still issues with the audio stuttering. Here are the config
Did you test to set your SPU settings from auto to 1 or 2? Sometimes it helps by shuttering sound.
just tried all the numbers and still the same issue.
testing out the DMC Collection with DMC 3
RPCS3 Alpha Version version 0.0.4-6393-06fc4233d
Computer Specs in profile
video Card Drivers updated to latest
using settings outlined in following youtube link:
no audio stutters no lag, but when starting new game, it sticks on now loading, forcing me to reboot and do it all over again to advance; same with mission 01, and now with mission 02