Personally I'm using this build: rpcs3-v0.0.5-6901-5c9d0e4b
I tried a lot of builds but It is the only one that work perfectly (with this game) in my computer.
My Specs:
Processor: Intel® Core i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.8GHz
Memory: 16384MB RAM
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (6GB)
Operating System: Windows 10 Famille 64-bit
PPU Decoder - LLVM Recompiler (fastest)
SPU Decoder - ASMJIT Recompiler (fastest)
Preferred SPU Threads - Auto
Firmware setting - load liblv2.sprx only
Additional settings - Enable thread Scheduler
- Enable SPU loop detection
Renderer - Vulkan
Graphics Device - Geforce GTX 1060
Framelimit - Auto
Anisotropic Filter - 16x (but It's better to just let "Automatic", if it causes lags)
Default Resolution - 1280x720 (Recommended)
Additional settings - Write Color Buffers
- Strict Rendering Mode
I also add a Vsync on RPCS3.exe by the Nvidia Control Panel, I don't know why but it more efficient in my rig.
I get a constant 60 fps, no lags, no graphic bugs.
(06-28-2018, 12:47 AM)Old Kamuy Wrote: [ -> ]Personally I'm using this build: rpcs3-v0.0.5-6901-5c9d0e4b
I tried a lot of builds but It is the only one that work perfectly (with this game) in my computer.
My Specs:
Processor: Intel® Core i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.8GHz
Memory: 16384MB RAM
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (6GB)
Operating System: Windows 10 Famille 64-bit
PPU Decoder - LLVM Recompiler (fastest)
SPU Decoder - ASMJIT Recompiler (fastest)
Preferred SPU Threads - Auto
Firmware setting - load liblv2.sprx only
Additional settings - Enable thread Scheduler
- Enable SPU loop detection
Renderer - Vulkan
Graphics Device - Geforce GTX 1060
Framelimit - Auto
Anisotropic Filter - 16x (but It's better to just let "Automatic", if it causes lags)
Default Resolution - 1280x720 (Recommended)
Additional settings - Write Color Buffers
- Strict Rendering Mode
I also add a Vsync on RPCS3.exe by the Nvidia Control Panel, I don't know why but it more efficient in my rig.
I get a constant 60 fps, no lags, no graphic bugs.
Did it freeze at any point on startup?
I'm using version 0.0.5-1704-a19113025, and everything seems to work just fine until the intro is over, after that it freezes up and does absolutely nothing. I tried skipping the intro, but that freezes up the game as well. It doesn't crash however, but it doesn't matter for how long I let it stay like that, nothing happens.
My specs are
CPU: AMD FX-6350 3.90GHz
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
My settings are exactly the same as the guy above, but it froze just like this with the default settings as well. Any ideas what I could do to make it work?
(07-17-2018, 12:05 PM)Yolozsef01 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm using version 0.0.5-1704-a19113025, and everything seems to work just fine until the intro is over, after that it freezes up and does absolutely nothing. I tried skipping the intro, but that freezes up the game as well. It doesn't crash however, but it doesn't matter for how long I let it stay like that, nothing happens.
My specs are
CPU: AMD FX-6350 3.90GHz
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
My settings are exactly the same as the guy above, but it froze just like this with the default settings as well. Any ideas what I could do to make it work?
Same problem in the newest version. The older versions worked fine, but now this game seems unplayable :/
can you guys try lle vdec?
Build: RPCS3 v0.0.5-7742-afeacc17 Alpha
PPU Decoder - LLVM Recompiler (fastest)
SPU Decoder - ASMJIT Recompiler (faster)
Preferred SPU Threads - Auto
Firmware setting - load liblv2.sprx only
Additional settings
- Enable SPU loop detection
- SPU Cache
Renderer - Vulkan
Graphics Device - Geforce GTX 960
Framelimit - 60
Anisotropic Filter - Automatic
Default Resolution - 1280x720 (Recommended)
Additional settings - Write Color Buffers
- Strict Rendering Mode
Issues: Certain character moves appear to freeze the game. From my limited testing, Yuuki's (purple hair girl DLC character) quarter circle forward (236) move series and Kuroko's (red/brown hair girl with pigtails) quarter circle back (214) move series appear to cause the game to hang with the music continuing to play normally. These moves do not always cause a freeze and the specific conditions that cause the freeze are not known. The only commonality between the game-freezing moves is they are multi-hit specials with particle effects and the freeze, if it does occur, ALWAYS occurs right before the last hit. Please see the logs I have attached below, one for each character. The logs end when the game freezes and I close out of the game.
(01-28-2019, 02:05 AM)Loving Emodisc Wrote: [ -> ]Issues: Certain character moves appear to freeze the game. From my limited testing, Yuuki's (purple hair girl DLC character) quarter circle forward (236) move series and Kuroko's (red/brown hair girl with pigtails) quarter circle back (214) move series appear to cause the game to hang with the music continuing to play normally. These moves do not always cause a freeze and the specific conditions that cause the freeze are not known. The only commonality between the game-freezing moves is they are multi-hit specials with particle effects and the freeze, if it does occur, ALWAYS occurs right before the last hit. Please see the logs I have attached below, one for each character. The logs end when the game freezes and I close out of the game.
Finally someone is bringing this into attention again, it's the same for me, i still get those exact freezes even with the newer builds.
PPU Decoder - LLVM Recompiler (fastest)
SPU Decoder - ASMJIT Recompiler (faster)
Preferred SPU Threads - Auto
Firmware setting - Automatic
Additional settings
- Enable SPU loop detection
- SPU Cache
Renderer - Vulkan
Graphics Device - Geforce GTX 950
Framelimit - Auto
Anisotropic Filter - Automatic
Default Resolution - 1280x720 (Recommended)
Additional settings - Write Color Buffers
- Strict Rendering Mode
I cant seem to get Sprites or menus to load at all, They show up In character select sprites and Textures but when in game Stage loads and nothing else Hp bars load but are empty and character sprites don't load at all music and everything plays still Animated and all, I've tried all the settings in this forum and some other stuff cant seem to get it working at all.[
I found the trick! disable "use gpu scaling" under Debug options it fixes all of the sprite issues, so far have been playing the game with no issues. will report back if i find more issues , this works on climax and climax ignition
Rpcs3 0.0.12-10959-046923d9
full config
- perferred spu block size: safe
- spu threads auto:
- rederer: vulkan
- antiostropic filter: auto
-frame rate 60: (game seems to handle the animations based on frames so anything over 60 would make the game impossible)
Gpu texture scaling disabled (fixes sprites at the sot of hitting the cpu a bit harder)
pc specs
Ryzen 2700x
rtx 2080ti
32gb ddr4 @ 2667mhz