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Full Version: Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown [NPUB30625]
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Convert to 16 bit: false
Dump to file: false
Renderer: XAudio2

Hook static functions: true
Load liblv2.sprx only: false

Load libraries:
- libadec.prx
- libfs.prx
- libio.prx
- libpamf.prx
- libresc.prx
- librtc.prx
- librudp.prx
- libspurs_jq.prx
- libsre.prx

PPU Decoder: Interpreter (precise)
SPU Decoder: Recompiler (ASMJIT)
Could someone please retest this? John GodGames showcased this one ingame.
I Used Of same setting for my Game but Screen is Black and no fram Huh


Convert to 16 bit: false
Dump to file: false
Renderer: XAudio2

Hook static functions: false
Load liblv2.sprx only: false

Load libraries:
- libl10n.prx
- libsail.prx
- libsre.prx

PPU Decoder: Recompiler (LLVM)
SPU Decoder: Recompiler (ASMJIT)

Quote:RPCS3 PS3 Emulator - Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown Ingame!

Not sure but I think the file /dev_hdd0/game/NPUB30625/USRDIR/rom.psarc is problematic somehow.
(01-29-2017, 03:18 PM)ssshadow Wrote: [ -> ]Not sure but I think the file /dev_hdd0/game/NPUB30625/USRDIR/rom.psarc is problematic somehow.
I Install Again result is same
I Install in PS3 Game Run
John GodGames showed on video this version being Playable, moving to Playable since there's already the european version of the game there.

Load for Me Whit Last build
But in Load Screen Wait for more 30 minutes And i Cancel Game
with openGL and PPU Interpreter it's really very slow and long. You can try Vulkan with PPU Interpreter (or PPU Recompler (and SPU recompiler too)).


como hago para descargar? perdonen mi ignorancia Huh

(02-13-2017, 04:17 AM)francko77 Wrote: [ -> ] como hago para descargar? perdonen mi ignorancia Huh

Sorry, but this forum speak english only.
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