Unknown STOP code & Access violation reading location....
Quote:{SPU[0x37] Thread (FMOD)[0x17108]} Exception: Unknown STOP code: 0x0 (Out_MBox is empty)
(in file Emu\Cell\SPUThread.cpp:1382, in function SPUThread:top_and_signal)
Please report this to the developers.
{PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x005815c0]} cellNetCtl: cellNetCtlNetStartDialogLoadAsync(param=*0x656534)
{PPU Thread[0x28] (PS3StorageServiceAsyncThread)[0x000d523c]} Exception: Access violation reading location 0x00000000
(in file ..\Utilities\Thread.cpp:1133, in function throw_access_violation)
Please report this to the developers.
The current state of this game is
Nothing it stops instantly with
F {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00581a04]} class std::runtime_error thrown: Verification failed:
(in file C:\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\Cell\Modules\sys_spu_.cpp:62)
but disabling this and rsx_methods exeptions
will make it to go ingame
yet the status is still Nothing and this is a terrible hack
LLE used
without libaudio the game freezes while loading before ingame
game works only with OGL renderer
A little update: on latest master sys_spu_.cpp:62 error is fixed, it requires only liblv2 to run
according to log it also loads sre lib, others are not needed, game now works with sound.
But still needs to rsx_methods hack, and still has corrupted graphics
Just start and finish it yesterday with latest build, is fully playable, i dont see any graphic glitches ect..., using vulkan and llvm , constant 30 fps so goes full speed