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Full Version: OutRun Online Arcade [NPEB00073]
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Missing build / log


Hi guys,

The game launch for me with the default settings but I can just reach the menu screen. When I click on the 'single player' option then the game hangs and I get the following error:

"F {rsx::thread} class gl::glsl::link_exception thrown: linkage failed: 'The fragment shader uses varying spec_color, but previous shader does not write to it.
The fragment shader uses varying diff_color, but previous shader does not write to it.
Out of resource error.

You can see the complete log I'm getting here:

Any idea what the problem could be or what I could change to give it another go?

Hi - I realise this thread hasn't been used in 3 years and I hope i'm posting in the right place.

When I beat the game (using any stage combination*), the credit sequence plays fine but then the game/RPCS3 will crash showing a Local Highscores virtual keyboard - the music and speech cut off and no controller input works. I have to kill RCPS3 and start again. I have also tried this with Network Status connected and PSN simulated but same issue.

* further info - beating the hardest 5th stage actually allows input to the keyboard and entry, however the game remains stuck on a faded credits screen with music playing, slightly different to the other stages.

Log is attached and am using version:

RPCS3 v0.0.11-10617-f1b1c905 Alpha

Many thanks!
I have exactly the same problem as Turnbl , sometime (rarely) the keyboard work but jump 2 letters at a time.

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