(08-19-2014, 01:46 AM)BlackDaemon Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm....just checked both games, and they does display stuff for me.
Try to select 1280x720 resolution and check "Write Color Buffers" option.
Oh Yes :3
THX BlackDaemon and Alex
Video intro and Gameplay ^^
i really can't understand because i don't getting an image
which setting have u used?
(08-19-2014, 03:40 AM)BlackDaemon Wrote: [ -> ]Also, here is mine video. 
Alexander9000, you could see emulator settings on video. 
I just tried with your settings but nothing happening
can you show me your Virtual File System Manager??
Alexander9000, everything is set
there to it's defaults. Upload full log, maybe i could figure out, why i doesn't work.
alright guys i have fix my problem :S
the problem think it was a wrong rpcs3 version that i download from emucr :S
when i download the last build from here
now the game works.. 1280x720 resolution sh..t

fps average 7-11 during the intro
into the game 2-3 fps
and thanks to Black Daemon for your support

)) i really really appreciate it
awsome works rpcs3 team more and more games eveyday
Since when are spammers accepted.....
i" think" the game is fully playable with glitches and low fps of course
yesterday i played for 4 hours without crashes or something
4 hours? Jeez, man, you have the patience of Jesus.