((Test on RPCS3 LLVM-aef5113d))
Interpreter(fast) & Interpreter(ASMJIT)
Better in Vulkan
Movie : Work
Graphic : Slow - Problem in Graphic
Music : Work
SaveGame : Work
LoadGame : Work
The Log File:-
BLES02050 - [Atelier Rorona Plus The Alchemist of Arland] - File
CPU:- Intel I7-6800K @ 3.40 GHz (OverClock 4.5 GHz)
GPU:- GTX 1080
Motherboards:- ASUS X-99A-II
RAM:- 32.0 GB (2666 MHz)
With rpcs3-v0.0.1-2017-02-02-ada8e170 now goes ingame further, but it runs in a loop. Ssshadow I'm counting on you, don't disappoint me

Telepathy, engage.
(02-02-2017, 08:26 PM)Gundark Wrote: [ -> ]With rpcs3-v0.0.1-2017-02-02-ada8e170 now goes ingame further, but it runs in a loop. Ssshadow I'm counting on you, don't disappoint me
Telepathy, engage.
Known issue, every Atelier + Ar Tonelico does that, and always has since the day they started running. In fact, it might even be the case that
every PhyreEngine game does that. No one knows why, my best wild guess is some concurrency issue.
With a1189fa3 I managed to play for about 40 min. on Vulkan, Dx12 is broken. I hit save in main menu and continued to play until game froze. Then I restarted it and it couldn't pass to intro video, it seems in log that it was searching for save data. I tried to find save file and delete it but I couldn't find it so I'm temporarily stuck until I find a solution. Here are logs from the game and after restart and few screens. Performance in game is decent, 12-20fps in 3d and 30+ in 2d part of the game. Kudos to devs, it looks like it's good candidate for fully playable in near future.
(02-09-2017, 04:43 PM)Gundark Wrote: [ -> ]With a1189fa3 I managed to play for about 40 min. on Vulkan, Dx12 is broken. I hit save in main menu and continued to play until game froze. Then I restarted it and it couldn't pass to intro video, it seems in log that it was searching for save data. I tried to find save file and delete it but I couldn't find it so I'm temporarily stuck until I find a solution. Here are logs from the game and after restart and few screens. Performance in game is decent, 12-20fps in 3d and 30+ in 2d part of the game. Kudos to devs, it looks like it's good candidate for fully playable in near future.
All the Atelier games crash if a save data file is present sadly. I hacked around it some time ago but now that hack doesn't even work anymore. Something is very broken indeed. Anyway, save files are in \dev_hdd0\home\00000001\savedata
Well, I know where in the code the crash is, but I don't know if this is an emu bug or a game bug, and if it is a game bug, what a real PS3 would do in the situation. Would have to write some test program and see what a real PS3 would do...
BTW the game will run significantly better with LLVM recompiler, loading times and audio stutter will be eliminated and frame rate should be higher too.
As I see it they aren't. Rorona is BLES02050.
(02-09-2017, 05:18 PM)Gundark Wrote: [ -> ]As I see it they aren't. Rorona is BLES02050.
From the log file you provided
·W {PPU[0x100002b] Thread (startSaveDataExistCheck) [0x00733a20]} cellSaveData: cellSaveDataListLoad2(version=1, setList=*0xd021bdb0, setBuf=*0xd021bdc0, funcList=*0xa48750, funcStat=*0xa48778, funcFile=*0xa487a8, container=0xffffffff, userdata=*0xb)
·E {PPU[0x100002b] Thread (startSaveDataExistCheck) [0x00733a20]} cellSaveData: Savedata NPEB02047-LIST-00 considered broken
·E {PPU[0x100002b] Thread (startSaveDataExistCheck) [0x00733a20]} PPU: 'cellSaveDataListLoad2' aborted
So the save file is in the folder NPEB02047-LIST-00. This is a PSN ID... I guess every version of the game just used the same folder or something.
Save and load works, bug in wolf habitat when I fall trough the ground near the treasure box. The same bug as jumping in front of alchemy shop.