That free space error is definitely cellSaveDataAutoLoad2 btw. Third game that I have seen that does it.
ok, now it belongs into intro section
I can't run the game, it fails with a null deref: [E : PPU[1] Thread (CPUThread)[0x00398028]]: Read16 from null block: [00000000]
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I implemented cellSysutilGetBgmPlaybackStatus to see if it goes any farther but I can't test it because of this
Maybe you have a different version of the game... Confirm it is NPUB31288
It is. I've actually gotten it to boot TWICE, out of about ~70 tries. The rest all die with a null deref -- and I have no idea why. Can anyone boot this game reliably or is it just me having problems?
Try an older build, it may have broke with all the small changes that was made this week. Arkedo 2 regressed for example.