Skylanders Giants [BLES01689]
Started by GrantKane

9 posts in this topic
RPCS3 Tester

2,670 posts 1,777 threads Joined: Aug 2017
07-31-2018, 12:56 AM -
RPCS3 v0.0.5-7154-8cb749110 Alpha | HEAD
The game needs the Portal of Power.
[Image: BKH7KLb.jpg]
[Image: OcvTjdA.png]

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25 posts 0 threads Joined: Aug 2018
12-05-2019, 03:07 AM -
With the recent sys_usbd emulation improvements and the Portal of Power UI, I can now start playing this game without any extra bootstrapping. The Portal of Power UI is pretty awkward to use, but here are the steps:

- Open Portal of Power UI from the menu and create "New" file, save it as a .sky somewhere
- Select the skylander ID you want it to be and press "Update"
- Launch the game
- In-game, go into the Settings -> General menu and select "Reset broken toys" - this will initialize the data in your newly created file
- You will probably want to do this with a few .sky files in advance so you can quickly switch later
- Start playing. Any time you need to switch characters (after losing a life, etc.), select "Load" on the PoP UI, pick the .sky file you want, and then press "Update"

Please move this to Ingame at the very least as I haven't done much verification of long-term play. It is possible that there is an issue where autosaves will hang and desync the emulator threads, but I will test more later.

e: oh yeah,
RPCS3 v0.0.7-9192-bf11a28f Alpha | HEAD
AMD Ryzen 5 2600X Six-Core Processor | 12 Threads | 15.93 GiB RAM | TSC: Bad | AVX+
Operating system: Windows, Major: 10, Minor: 0, Build: 18362, Service Pack: none, Compatibility mode: 0
·! 0:00:00.000000 RSX: Found vulkan-compatible GPU: 'GeForce GTX TITAN X' running on driver 436.48.0.0
This post was last modified: 12-05-2019, 03:11 AM by Durandal.

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.gz   RPCS3.log.gz (Size: 251.67 KB / Downloads: 223)
let's emulate

2 posts 0 threads Joined: Mar 2020
03-11-2020, 02:03 AM -
I can confirm that Skylanders :Giants is now completely playable from start to finish.

My Specs:
 Ryzen 5 1600 OC 3.8 GHZ
Gigabyte GeForce GTX1060 6GB G1 Gaming
Corsair Vengence LPX 16GB

1 posts 0 threads Joined: Nov 2019
03-18-2020, 06:33 PM -
RPCS3 v0.0.9-9974-01cafc04 Alpha | HEAD | Firmware version: 4.85
Intel® Core™ i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz | 8 Threads | 7.89 GiB RAM | TSC: Bad | AVX+
Operating system: Windows, Major: 10, Minor: 0, Build: 18363, Service Pack: none, Compatibility mode: 0
·! 0:00:00.000000 RSX: Found vulkan-compatible GPU: 'GeForce GTX 1050' running on driver 442.74.0.0

Game freezes for some reason, when I use Vulkan.  Note that I am on a laptop 

This is my first post ever in forums so apologizes if the log is wrong (its the only one I could find) and if I'm missing some information.
This post was last modified: 03-21-2020, 10:05 PM by LuisCR. Edit Reason: Made a mistake in the log

Attached Files
.gz   Skylanders Giants log March 21.gz (Size: 580.68 KB / Downloads: 163)

1 posts 0 threads Joined: May 2020
05-02-2020, 12:30 AM -
I'd like to know if it's possible to use 2 skylanders at the same time for multiplayer, any idea?

1 posts 0 threads Joined: Jun 2020
06-25-2020, 03:36 PM -
Is there any way to actually use the portal of power, I plugged it into my computer and it recognizes the portal, but I can find a way to actually use it in-game.

25 posts 0 threads Joined: Aug 2018
08-13-2020, 02:11 AM -
(06-25-2020, 03:36 PM)cheekibreekiski Wrote: Is there any way to actually use the portal of power, I plugged it into my computer and it recognizes the portal, but I can find a way to actually use it in-game.

The original code change lists some steps you have to go through:

To make it work on linux:
You need to add:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", MODE="0666"
To a rule file in /etc/udev/rules.d/
Note that this give r/w access to all usb devices by default, if you want to specify a specific device you can use:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="ABCD", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1234", MODE="0666"
changing idVendor&idProduct values to the VID/PID of the device you want to allow.

To make it work on windows:
You need to change the driver of the accessory you want to use to WinUsb one with zadig:
You can revert drivers through device manager, the device will be listed under "Universal Serial Bus Devices", right click on it, Properties => Driver => Update Driver => Browse my computer for driver software => Let me pick... => USB Input Device(or whatever the previous driver was).

1 posts 0 threads Joined: Nov 2020
11-17-2020, 04:46 PM -
There is currently no way to play co-op on Skylanders Giants. The game is playable with the Portal UI imbedded in rpcs3. I will try my best to implement a 2 player option. I can't do this on my own. If you know how to help please send me a message.
RPCS3 Tester

3,031 posts 559 threads Joined: Aug 2017
05-01-2021, 10:28 AM -
Us version playable. RPCS3 v0.0.16-12199-b8477a47

8 posts 1 threads Joined: Feb 2022
02-19-2022, 04:18 PM -
Skylanders Giants [BLES01689] is playable from start to finish. With only 1 crash during my entire playtrough.

RPCS3 v0.0.20-13291-91d7f28c

Graphics Card: Geforce RTX 2060
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 3.6 GHz
Ram: Corsair Venegance 16 GB DDR4 3200Mhz
Operating System: Windows 10 Home Build 19044.1561
This post was last modified: 02-27-2023, 05:42 PM by Tritonex. Edit Reason: Link was broken

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