E.X. Troopers Demo [NPJB90534]
Started by digitaldude

6 posts in this topic
RPCS3 Tester

3,031 posts 559 threads Joined: Aug 2017
02-18-2017, 07:43 AM -

04-30-2017, 10:02 PM -

Game: E.X. Troopers Demo (????????????) [NPJB90534]
RPCS3 Version: 0.0.2-3-8055d83 Alpha | 26 Apr, 2017 | FW 04.81
Specs: i7-4770 | GTX 1080 | 32GB DDR3 | Windows 10 x64
Status: Playable (Completed Single Player levels)
Core: Automatically load required libraries
Graphics: 1280x720 | 16:9 | Frame limit Auto | Invalidate Cache Every Frame | Use GPU texture scaling
Audio: XAudio2
Input/Output: XInput (Using an official PS3 controller with SCPToolkit drivers)
See Also: E.X. Troopers Demo [NPHB00522], E.X. Troopers [NPJB00235]

Tested on all 18 combinations of the Renderer, PPU, and SPU configurations.
--Full Video Setup, Gameplay, and Notes
--Game runs at 50-60FPS on still screens, and 10-25FPS during gameplay. Some textures not rendering on models that move (Player Character, NPCs, Enemies, etc).
--Uses MT Framework 2.x engine (Lost Planet 2, Resident Evil 5/6)
--Also tested on a 10c/20t system. More cores & threads ? More performance.
--Changing Resolution to 720x480 removes "U {PPU[0x1000000] Thread (main_thread) [0x00d9a048]} cellGcmSys TODO: cellGcmSetFlipImmediate(id=0x#)" warnings. Same performance.

OGL+Int(p)+Int(p): Playable. Audio stutters too much to be heard. AVG 10fps
OGL+Int(p)+Int(f): Playable. Heavy audio stutter. AVG 13fps
OGL+Int(p)+Rec(ASMJIT): Playable. AVG 12fps

OGL+Rec(LLVM)+Int(p): Can't boot. White Screen. Stuck on S {Audio Thread} XAudio 2.9 initialized
OGL+Rec(LLVM)+Int(f): Can't boot. White Screen. Stuck on S {Audio Thread} XAudio 2.9 initialized
OGL+Rec(LLVM)+Rec(ASMJIT): Can't boot. White Screen. Stuck on S {SPU[0x2000002] Thread (xf_sound_CellSpursKernel0)} SPU: Function detected [0x07000-0x071a0] (size=0x1a0)

V+Int(p)+Int(p): Ingame. No video display. Audio stutters too much to be heard. AVG 23fps
V+Int(p)+Int(f): Ingame. No video display. Heavy audio stutter. AVG 35fps
V+Int(p)+Rec(ASMJIT): Ingame. No video display. AVG 39fps

V+Rec(LLVM)+Int(p): Can't boot. Grey Screen. Stuck on S {Audio Thread} XAudio 2.9 initialized
V+Rec(LLVM)+Int(f): Can't boot. Grey Screen. Stuck on S {Audio Thread} XAudio 2.9 initialized
V+Rec(LLVM)+Rec(ASMJIT): Can't boot. Grey Screen. Stuck on S {SPU[0x2000002] Thread (xf_sound_CellSpursKernel0)} SPU: Function detected [0x07000-0x071a0] (size=0x1a0)

DX+Int(p)+Int(p): Can't boot. Grey Screen. Stuck on F {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: Vertex program compilation failure (in file c:\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\d3d12\D3D12PipelineState.h:157)
DX+Int(p)+Int(f): Can't boot. Grey Screen. Stuck on F {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: Vertex program compilation failure (in file c:\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\d3d12\D3D12PipelineState.h:157)
DX+Int(p)+Rec(ASMJIT): Can't boot. Grey Screen. Stuck on F {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: Vertex program compilation failure (in file c:\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\d3d12\D3D12PipelineState.h:157)

DX+Rec(LLVM)+Int(p): Can't boot. Grey Screen. Stuck on S {Audio Thread} XAudio 2.9 initialized
DX+Rec(LLVM)+Int(f): Can't boot. Grey Screen. Stuck on S {Audio Thread} XAudio 2.9 initialized
DX+Rec(LLVM)+Rec(ASMJIT): Can't boot. Grey Screen. Stuck on S {SPU[0x2000002] Thread (xf_sound_CellSpursKernel0)} SPU: Function detected [0x07000-0x071a0] (size=0x1a0)

All Logs 20MB

4,441 posts 110 threads Joined: Aug 2017
05-09-2017, 04:54 PM -
Actually pretty much all games that are in the 90000 series are Demos, the other one is as well.

Merging threads.
    Desktop: Ryzen 7 5800X,   Radeon RX 6800 XT, 2x8G DDR4 3600MHz, Manjaro Linux
     Laptop: Ryzen 9 5900HX,  Radeon RX 6700M,   2x8G DDR4 3200MHz, Manjaro Linux
Old Desktop: AMD FX-8350,     Radeon R9 280X,    2x4G DDR3 1600MHz, Manjaro Linux

05-27-2017, 02:25 AM -
RPCS3 Version:
0.0.2-5-7739f33 Alpha | 19 May, 2017 | FW 04.81
Status: Ingame

One month of development and here are the main changes:
+ Framerate on OpenGL improved!
+ D3D12 now boots!
+ Vibration works now. (I don't remember it working before.)
= Some textures still do not render properly.
- Game now freezes during combat. This is caused by a build between May 14 & May 19th and I'm trying to narrow the exact build.

OGL+Int(f)+Int(p): "Ingame". Audio stutters too much to be heard. Game froze while audio continued to stutter. AVG 17fps
OGL+Int(f)+Int(f): "Ingame". Heavy audio stutter. Game froze while audio continued to stutter. AVG 17fps
OGL+Int(f)+Rec(ASMJIT): "Ingame". Game froze while audio continued to stutter. AVG 17fps
OGL+Rec(LLVM)+Int(p): Can't boot. White Screen. Stuck on S {Audio Thread} XAudio 2.9 initialized
OGL+Rec(LLVM)+Int(f): Can't boot. White Screen. Stuck on S {Audio Thread} XAudio 2.9 initialized
OGL+Rec(LLVM)+Rec(ASMJIT): Can't boot. White Screen. Stuck on S {SPU[0x2000002] Thread (xf_sound_CellSpursKernel0)} SPU: Function detected [0x07000-0x071a0] (size=0x1a0)

V+Int(f)+Int(p): Ingame. No video display. Audio stutters too much to be heard. AVG 20fps
V+Int(f)+Int(f): Ingame. No video display. Heavy audio stutter. AVG 20fps
V+Int(f)+Rec(ASMJIT): Ingame. No video display. AVG 23fps
V+Rec(LLVM)+Int(p): Can't boot. Grey Screen. Stuck on S {Audio Thread} XAudio 2.9 initialized
V+Rec(LLVM)+Int(f): Can't boot. Grey Screen. Stuck on S {Audio Thread} XAudio 2.9 initialized
V+Rec(LLVM)+Rec(ASMJIT): S {SPU[0x2000002] Thread (xf_sound_CellSpursKernel0)} SPU: Function detected [0x07000-0x071a0] (size=0x1a0)

DX+Int(f)+Int(p): Intro. No video display. Froze after pressing Start on title screen with F {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: HRESULT = The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action. (in file c:\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\d3d12\D3D12MemoryHelpers.h:39) Pressed Resume. Audio stutters too much to be heard. RPCS3 Crashed when Stop was pressed.
DX+Int(f)+Int(f): Intro. No video display. Froze after pressing Start on title screen with F {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: HRESULT = The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action. (in file c:\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\d3d12\D3D12MemoryHelpers.h:39) Pressed Resume. Heavy audio stutter. RPCS3 Crashed when Stop was pressed.
DX+Int(f)+Rec(ASMJIT): Intro. No video display. Froze after pressing Start on title screen with {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: HRESULT = The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.(in file c:\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\d3d12\D3D12MemoryHelpers.h:39) Pressed Resume. RPCS3 Crashed when Stop was pressed.
DX+Rec(LLVM)+Int(p): Can't boot. Grey Screen. Stuck on S {Audio Thread} XAudio 2.9 initialized
DX+Rec(LLVM)+Int(f): Can't boot. Grey Screen. Stuck on S {Audio Thread} XAudio 2.9 initialized
DX+Rec(LLVM)+Rec(ASMJIT): Can't boot. Grey Screen. Stuck on S {SPU[0x2000002] Thread (xf_sound_CellSpursKernel0)} SPU: Function detected [0x07000-0x071a0] (size=0x1a0)

All Logs 9MB

06-26-2017, 01:56 AM -
RPCS3 Version: v0.0.2-5025 438dec0 Alpha | 25 June, 2017 | FW 4.81
Specs: i7-4770 | GTX 1080 | 24GB DDR3 | Windows 10 x64
Status: Ingame
Core: Automatically load required libraries | Bind SPU threads to secondary cores | Lower SPU thread priority
Graphics: 1280x720 | 16:9 | Frame limit Auto | Invalidate Cache Every Frame | Use GPU texture scaling
Audio: XAudio2
Input/Output: XInput (Using an official PS3 controller with SCPToolkit drivers)
See Also: E.X. Troopers Demo [NPHB00522], E.X. Troopers [NPJB00235]

Another month of progress:
+ Some slight FPS improvements for Vulkan!
+ RPCS3 uses multiple cores and threads to recompile faster!
+ All SPU and PPU combinations now boot and go to at least Intro!
= Some textures still do not render properly.
= The Game still freezes during combat. This is caused by a build between May 14 & May 19th and I'm trying to narrow the exact build.
- RPCS3 no longer shuts down properly when game freezes due to combat. You must kill the process even if you Quit the program.

Tested on all 27 combinations of the Renderer, PPU, and SPU configurations.

OGL+Int(p)+Int(p): Ingame. Audio stutters too much to be heard. Game froze while audio continued to stutter. AVG 17FPS
OGL+Int(p)+Int(f): Ingame. Heavy audio stutter. Game froze while audio continued to stutter. AVG 17fps
OGL+Int(p)+Rec(ASMJIT): Ingame. Game froze while following NPC after he jumped over a ledge with F {SPU[0x2000003] Thread (xf_appli_CellSpursKernel0)} class std::runtime_error thrown: Branch-to-self (0x00eec) (in file C:\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\Cell\SPUASMJITRecompiler.cpp:2176). AVG 16FPS
OGL+Int(f)+Int(p): Ingame. Audio stutters too much to be heard. Game froze while audio continued to stutter. AVG 14FPS
OGL+Int(f)+Int(f): Ingame. Heavy audio stutter. Game froze while audio continued to stutter. AVG 17fps
OGL+Int(f)+Rec(ASMJIT): Ingame. Game froze while audio continued to stutter. AVG 18FPS
OGL+Rec(LLVM)+Int(p): Ingame. Audio stutters too much to be heard. Game froze while audio continued to stutter. AVG 17fps
OGL+Rec(LLVM)+Int(f): Ingame. Heavy audio stutter. Game froze while audio continued to stutter. AVG 17FPS
OGL+Rec(LLVM)+Rec(ASMJIT): Ingame. Game froze while audio continued to stutter. AVG 18FPS

V+Int(p)+Int(p): Ingame. No video display. Audio stutters too much to be heard. AVG 23FPS
V+Int(p)+Int(f): Ingame. No video display. Audio buzzes eerily. AVG 21fps
V+Int(p)+Rec(ASMJIT): Ingame. No video display. AVG 23fps
V+Int(f)+Int(p): Ingame. No video display. Audio stutters too much to be heard. AVG 21fps
V+Int(f)+Int(f): Ingame. No video display. Heavy audio stutter. AVG 21FPS
V+Int(f)+Rec(ASMJIT): Ingame. No video display. AVG 23FPS
V+Rec(LLVM)+Int(p): Ingame. No video display. Audio stutters too much to be heard. AVG 21FPS
V+Rec(LLVM)+Int(f): Ingame. No video display. Heavy audio stutter. AVG 23fps
V+Rec(LLVM)+Rec(ASMJIT): Ingame. No video display. AVG 23FPS

DX+Int(p)+Int(p): Intro. No video display. Audio stutters too much to be heard. Froze after pressing Start on title screen with F {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: HRESULT = The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action. (in file c:\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\d3d12\D3D12MemoryHelpers.h:39) Pressed Resume. RPCS3 Crashed when Stop was pressed.
DX+Int(p)+Int(f): Intro. No video display. Heavy audio stutter. Froze after pressing Start on title screen with F {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: HRESULT = The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action. (in file c:\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\d3d12\D3D12MemoryHelpers.h:39) Pressed Resume. RPCS3 Crashed when Stop was pressed.
DX+Int(p)+Rec(ASMJIT): Intro. No video display. Froze after pressing Start on title screen with {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: HRESULT = The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.(in file c:\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\d3d12\D3D12MemoryHelpers.h:39) Pressed Resume. RPCS3 Crashed when Stop was pressed.
DX+Int(f)+Int(p): Intro. No video display. Audio stutters too much to be heard. Froze after pressing Start on title screen with F {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: HRESULT = The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action. (in file c:\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\d3d12\D3D12MemoryHelpers.h:39) Pressed Resume. RPCS3 Crashed when Stop was pressed.
DX+Int(f)+Int(f): Intro. No video display. Heavy audio stutter. Froze after pressing Start on title screen with F {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: HRESULT = The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action. (in file c:\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\d3d12\D3D12MemoryHelpers.h:39) Pressed Resume. RPCS3 Crashed when Stop was pressed.
DX+Int(f)+Rec(ASMJIT): Intro. No video display. Froze after pressing Start on title screen with {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: HRESULT = The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.(in file c:\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\d3d12\D3D12MemoryHelpers.h:39) Pressed Resume. RPCS3 Crashed when Stop was pressed.
DX+Rec(LLVM)+Int(p): Intro. No video display. Audio stutters too much to be heard. Froze after pressing Start on title screen with F {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: HRESULT = The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action. (in file c:\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\d3d12\D3D12MemoryHelpers.h:39) Pressed Resume. RPCS3 Crashed when Stop was pressed.
DX+Rec(LLVM)+Int(f): Intro. No video display. Heavy audio stutter. Froze after pressing Start on title screen with F {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: HRESULT = The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action. (in file c:\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\d3d12\D3D12MemoryHelpers.h:39) Pressed Resume. RPCS3 Crashed when Stop was pressed.
DX+Rec(LLVM)+Rec(ASMJIT): Intro. No video display. Froze after pressing Start on title screen with {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: HRESULT = The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.(in file c:\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\rsx\d3d12\D3D12MemoryHelpers.h:39) Pressed Resume. RPCS3 Crashed when Stop was pressed.


55 posts 16 threads Joined: Jan 2018
03-30-2018, 02:39 AM -
rpcs3-v0.0.5-6579-a35bcb13 | Ingame. Something changed since October (https://youtu.be/sUQJ66eOLoI) that has decreased performance and stability.
Video: https://youtu.be/vfBdV-HzBlA

I used 6579 because starting with rpcs3-v0.0.5-6590-887ea43e_win64, it regressed to Intro, but I hear it's been fixed recently so I'll need to test this again later.
This post was last modified: 03-30-2018, 02:46 AM by Etokapa.

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.gz   RPCS3-Intro.log.gz (Size: 239.48 KB / Downloads: 0)
.gz   RPCS3.log.gz (Size: 2.96 MB / Downloads: 2)
RPCS3 Tester

3,031 posts 559 threads Joined: Aug 2017
05-12-2019, 08:08 PM -


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