WWE '13 [BLES01699]
Started by GrantKane

3 posts in this topic
RPCS3 Tester

2,670 posts 1,777 threads Joined: Aug 2017
03-31-2017, 12:13 AM -
RPCS3 v0.0.2-3-c4066b9 Alpha
I don't know is it ingame or not, so it'll be here.

2,060 posts 83 threads Joined: Aug 2017
10-01-2018, 02:45 PM -
RPCS3 v0.0.5-7405-da6ce80f Alpha
Ingame. Requires you to delete install data for the game on each subsequent boot or it will say the data is corrupt and won't launch properly on the second run.
Also the ingame graphics flicker and strict rendering mode doesn't fix it. And Write Color Buffers didn't help fix the visual issues either sadly.

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.gz   RPCS3.log.gz (Size: 2.74 MB / Downloads: 58)

2 posts 0 threads Joined: Jul 2021
09-11-2021, 12:49 AM -
RPCS3 v0.0.18-12732-f98595be Alpha
Still having graphics issues and frame issues, tried everything on basically default, running in Vulkan still has the darker shades from the previous post while running in Open GL has this ugly red on everything, no more corruption on subsequent boots like previous poster had.
(sorry if any formatting is wrong)
This post was last modified: 09-11-2021, 12:50 AM by JustAz.

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.gz   RPCS3.log.gz (Size: 2.07 MB / Downloads: 1)

16 posts 1 threads Joined: May 2024
10-09-2024, 12:39 PM -
I see the thread of the US version of this game is more active, but I've been keeping tabs and testing the EU version for a while now.
The performance over the last 12 months has improved greatly in most of the earlier WWE games from WWE '12 up to WWE '14, they're basically the same game anyway.

I've been using mostly the default RPCS3 settings in WWE '12, '13, and '14 apart from the "write color buffers - on" to fix some broken in game graphics and they've been running pretty well. The issue now as of build 0.0.33-17020 is the games will freeze up after a few minutes and crash RPCS3. I've tried changing the RSX FIFO accuracy to "atomic" to see if it helps, and I can't say yet if it does or not. I managed to play a match for 10-15 minutes all the way through in WWE '13 without it freezing or locking up, but when I pressed escape on the keyboard to close the game, that's when it froze on me and crashed RPCS3. 

I've uploaded a log if any of the devs can check it out to see if they notice anything that could be causing the freezing and crashes. The game is almost playable now, apart from the random freezing and crashing the app.

.7z   RPCS3.7z (Size: 486.36 KB / Downloads: 1)

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