Unimplemented Functions? Main_thread errors? metadata.self errors?
Started by LarsFailinator

2 posts in this topic

06-08-2015, 05:38 PM -

sorry im kinda new to emulation. i heard about rpcs3 and tried it out.
i got some old games laying around here, so i tried it out with hard games, because i got no games which are easy to run. its Burnout paradise, Gran turismo 5 Prologue and Gran turismo 6. i think in this stage the emulator isnt designed for handling this.
i'm using standard ppu interpreter and spu interpreter. i havent touched the settings.
What can i do to fix the following errors? should i wait for a newer version of this application? is it my pc?
i got an amd fx8350, 8 gb of ram and a gtx 770 with 4 gb of ram.
Thanks for the help

here are the error logs:

E Unimplemented function 'cellFsAllocateFileAreaWithoutZeroFill' in 'sys_fs' module (0x29fb4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellFsUtime' in 'sys_fs' module (0x2a174)
E Unimplemented function '0x1A267F98' in 'cellSysmodule' module (0x2a334)
E Unimplemented function '0xFD0E1CAC' in 'cellSysmodule' module (0x2a414)
E Unimplemented function 'cellGameUnregisterDiscChangeCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x2ac9c)
E Unimplemented function 'cellGameRegisterDiscChangeCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x2ad7c)
E 'BreakPoints.dat' is broken (version=0xdb50, break_count=0x0, marked_count=0xe8a89cd0, length=0x6)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0002b24c]} sys_mmapper error: sys_mmapper_map_memory failed!
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0002a3a4]} cellSysmodule error: cellSysmoduleIsLoaded() failed: module not loaded (id=0x0043)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0002a6ec]} Exception: Wrong usage: LLE function not set.
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0002a6ec]} Information: is_alive=1, m_last_syscall=0x0 ()

(diffrent game)
E Unimplemented function 'cellWebBrowserConfigSetFullScreen2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x9524b4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellOskDialogUnloadAsync' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x952554)
E Unimplemented function 'cellWebBrowserConfigSetTabCount2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x9525b4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellWebBrowserInitialize' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x9525f4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellWebBrowserConfig2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x952674)
E Unimplemented function 'cellOskDialogLoadAsync' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x952694)
E Unimplemented function 'cellWebBrowserShutdown' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x952734)
E Unimplemented function 'cellHddGameSetSystemVer' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x952754)
E Unimplemented function 'cellWebBrowserCreate2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x952794)
E Unimplemented function 'cellHddGameExitBroken' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x9527b4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellSysconfOpen' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x9527d4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellWebBrowserConfigSetFunction2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x9527f4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellWebBrowserConfigSetHeapSize2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0x952894)
E Unimplemented function 'cellRecOpen' in 'cellRec' module (0x952af4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellRecClose' in 'cellRec' module (0x952b14)
E Unimplemented function 'cellRecStop' in 'cellRec' module (0x952b34)
E Unimplemented function 'cellRecStart' in 'cellRec' module (0x952b54)
E Unimplemented function 'cellRecQueryMemSize' in 'cellRec' module (0x952b74)
E Unimplemented function 'cellVideoExportInitialize' in 'cellVideoExportUtility' module (0x952b94)
E Unimplemented function 'cellVideoExportFromFile' in 'cellVideoExportUtility' module (0x952bb4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellVideoExportFinalize' in 'cellVideoExportUtility' module (0x952bd4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellMusicSetVolume2' in 'cellMusicUtility' module (0x952bf4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellMusicSetPlaybackCommand2' in 'cellMusicUtility' module (0x952c14)
E Unimplemented function 'cellMusicSelectContents2' in 'cellMusicUtility' module (0x952c34)
E Unimplemented function 'cellMusicInitialize2' in 'cellMusicUtility' module (0x952c54)
E Unimplemented function 'cellFsAllocateFileAreaWithoutZeroFill' in 'sys_fs' module (0x952ef4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellCelpEncClose' in 'cellCelpEnc' module (0x9534d4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellCelpEncGetAu' in 'cellCelpEnc' module (0x9534f4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellCelpEncStart' in 'cellCelpEnc' module (0x953514)
E Unimplemented function 'cellCelpEncQueryAttr' in 'cellCelpEnc' module (0x953534)
E Unimplemented function 'cellCelpEncOpen' in 'cellCelpEnc' module (0x953554)
E Unimplemented function 'cellCelpEncEncodeFrame' in 'cellCelpEnc' module (0x953574)
E Unimplemented function 'cellCelpEncWaitForOutput' in 'cellCelpEnc' module (0x953594)
E Unimplemented function 'cellCelpEncEnd' in 'cellCelpEnc' module (0x9535b4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellPhotoExportFromFile' in 'cellPhotoUtility' module (0x9537d4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellPhotoExportInitialize' in 'cellPhotoUtility' module (0x9537f4)
E Unimplemented function 'cellPhotoExportFinalize' in 'cellPhotoUtility' module (0x953814)
E Unimplemented function 'sys_mempool_try_allocate_block' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x9541b4)
E Unimplemented function 'sys_mempool_free_block' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x954294)
E Unimplemented function 'sys_mempool_destroy' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x954334)
E Unimplemented function 'sys_mempool_create' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0x9543b4)
E 'BreakPoints.dat' is broken (version=0xdd50, break_count=0x0, marked_count=0x29a00860, length=0x6)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00900748]} sys_spu TODO: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00900748]} sys_spu TODO: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00900748]} sys_spu TODO: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00900748]} sys_spu TODO: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0093dc70]} sys_fs error: sys_fs_open('/dev_hdd0/game/NPEB00043/USRDIR/autotest.txt'): failed to open file (flags=0, mode=0)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00953ad4]} cellGcmSys error: cellGcmSetSecondVHandler
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x009523f4]} cellGcmSys error: cellGcmSetTile: bad compression mode! (7)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x009523f4]} cellGcmSys error: cellGcmSetTile: bad compression mode! (7)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00952394]} cellGcmSys TODO: Unimplemented display frequency: Scanout

(diffrent game)
E SELF: Can't decrypt network NPDRM!
E SELF: Failed to load SELF file metadata!

06-09-2015, 07:37 AM -
Yeah i have just about the same too, here are the lines:

E Unimplemented function 'cellFsUtime' in 'sys_fs' module (0xc3bec4)
E Unimplemented function 'sys_prx_load_module_on_memcontainer_by_fd' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xc3dda4)
E Unimplemented function 'sys_prx_load_module_by_fd' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xc3df24)
E 'BreakPoints.dat' is broken (version=0xe530, break_count=0x0, marked_count=0x323a8f00, length=0x6)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00c3d6e4]} Exception: Wrong usage: LLE function not set.
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00c3d6e4]} Information: is_alive=1, m_last_syscall=0x0 ()

06-09-2015, 04:54 PM -
For Gran Turismo, Burnout Paradise (There's a PC version) or anything as demanding like those wont run in near future. For anything like that I'd say to expect a wait of couple years. There are many many unimplemented functions and if you have good knowledge of C++ and have it in you to work with a big spaghetti pile you can go out and implement those. And almost all of these problems are known.

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