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Joined: Aug 2017
60-200 fps, and very interest GL Screen...!
spin Triangle with 70 fps.
I think need easy fix, and it's may will be work 
Upd. Forgot to the DbgConsole ;(
Log: http://pastebin.com/wAWkbULr
Someone needs to see how it looks starting up on a real ps3. Because the dbg makes it look like this is supposed to be a error message. (Error render loop). Like something goes wrong and the game catches this and displays a turret and maybe some text.
Edit: suspicions were correct. Found this on youtube, at no point starting the game is there anything like this. Should be valve logo, source logo, and lastly portal loading screen.
Still renders some 3D in here though, which is good for testing purposes.
sshadow, I found something in ps3devwiki. Look: http://www.psdevwiki.com/ps3/Boot_Order
I guess the good news is that if someone wants to work on 3D there is at least a new way of testing that now.
(03-08-2014, 06:49 PM)AlexAltea Wrote: (03-08-2014, 12:12 PM)LittleGrejmer Wrote: sshadow, I found something in ps3devwiki. Look: http://www.psdevwiki.com/ps3/Boot_Order
I'm sorry, but this has nothing to do with PS3 games or the emulator. That's just the boot order of the PS3. We don't even care about that since RPCS3 is a "HLE" emulator.
It seems this is logo is actually "bad news". BlackDaemon just sent me this link (see the video below). That 3D "yellow triangle of death" is a known issue on PS3 CWFs, and was somehow triggered on this one. BlackDaemon fixed it by replacing the PARAM.SFO of this game with the one of another game and replacing the title ID with the correct one. Once that is fixed, we skip that error, but obviously no more stuff appears on screen.
I'm afraid this game is not even "loadable". :/
I believe this is linked to the cellGame functions, which BlackDaemon asked me to investigate.
Nonetheless, it's still a funny finding.
498 posts
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Joined: Aug 2017
Now, i got new message in "DEBUG"
P.S. Maybe you can change the "Bootmode = 0,1,2?"
(05-20-2014, 03:40 PM)fenix0082 Wrote: Now, i got new message in "DEBUG"
P.S. Maybe you can change the "Bootmode = 0,1,2?"
Maybe you can place the game in /dev_bddvd/ to fool it into thinking it's on a disc? Just a wild guess.
498 posts
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Joined: Aug 2017
(05-20-2014, 04:18 PM)ssshadow Wrote: (05-20-2014, 03:40 PM)fenix0082 Wrote: Now, i got new message in "DEBUG"
P.S. Maybe you can change the "Bootmode = 0,1,2?"
Maybe you can place the game in /dev_bddvd/ to fool it into thinking it's on a disc? Just a wild guess.
Oh, I realized what it was. I just had a VFS...http://puu.sh/8TZMN.png
And at the moment, the same(
(05-20-2014, 04:30 PM)fenix0082 Wrote: (05-20-2014, 04:18 PM)ssshadow Wrote: (05-20-2014, 03:40 PM)fenix0082 Wrote: Now, i got new message in "DEBUG"
P.S. Maybe you can change the "Bootmode = 0,1,2?"
Maybe you can place the game in /dev_bddvd/ to fool it into thinking it's on a disc? Just a wild guess.
Oh, I realized what it was. I just had a VFS...http://puu.sh/8TZMN.png
And at the moment, the same(
What setting makes it do that? It still thinks it's booting from disc, for me.