Sly cooper
Started by Tbone3366

1 posts in this topic

1 posts 1 threads Joined: Mar 2021
03-13-2021, 05:05 AM -
Hello I'm tbone, about 2 weeks ago I softmodded my ps3 to back everything up and one of the games was sly cooper thieves in time, witch ran perfectly fine with a few slow downs here and there but other than that perfectly, this week livestreamed some MGS3 from Monday to today, here at 937pm usmst I loaded sly cooper and only now get a black screen unless I drag the window width to expand and shrink then I get an image otherwise I get a completely black screen and only HUD elements show up both in menus and game, it displays fine in opengl but performance is absolutely atrocious, i have tried going back to a build of rpcs3 from last week with no success, I have also reinstalled the iso and even repacked the game from my ps3 hdd backup

I7 5960x
16gb ddr4 2666
1060 6GB SC
And game and rpcs3 run off m.2 ssd

Messages In This Thread
Sly cooper - by Tbone3366 - 03-13-2021, 05:05 AM
RE: Sly cooper - by Ani - 03-14-2021, 12:25 PM

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