Trouble with ird files and self dumped PS3 isos.
Started by scorpiove

1 posts in this topic

04-30-2017, 09:39 PM -
Hello everyone,

I am having trouble with the PS3 ISO Patcher and my self dumped ps3 isos. I have checked my isos against the redump dats, and the md5 sums of the isos match those in the dat. However when I load the iso with PS3 ISO Patcher according to the quickstart quide and then load the relevant ird file to patch the iso, it comes up with only 8 valid files and the rest of the files are invalid. This is despite the ird and iso being an exact match, so what gives?

I have attached an image for reference, also note I have other isos besides the one tested in the image that do the same thing.I know this tool is not made by the rpcs3 team but I'm asking here because it's part of the quick start guide. Thanks for your help and time.

844 posts 374 threads Joined: Aug 2017
05-01-2017, 06:46 AM -
If your ISO md5 match with redump, then you ok to proceed. I'll explain, why you see different checksums - because ISO you just dumped is encrypted. IRD contains info of decrypted files, e.t. patch your ISO with decryption key insing IRD using "ISO Patcher", decrypt it using "3k3y ISO tools", extract contents of decrypted ISO, and verify files in "PS3 ISO Rebuilder", it should 100% match.

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