01-27-2021, 08:58 PM -
(10-23-2020, 07:04 AM)RambaZamba Wrote: Could it be that the game uses MLAA? And by disabling MLAA the scaling might work? I tried making a patch but it doesn't work:
Code:Version: 1.2
- [ be32, 0x000031f4, 0x40800003 ] # il r3 0
# - [ be32, 0x0000349c, 0x40800017 ] # il r23 0 # causes blackscreen
- [ be32, 0x000031f4, 0x40800003 ] # il r3 0
- [ be32, 0x0000349c, 0x40800017 ] # il r23 0
- [ be32, 0x000031f4, 0x40800003 ] # il r3 0
- [ be32, 0x000034a4, 0x40800017 ] # il r23 0
- [ be32, 0x00005948, 0x40800094 ] # il r20 1
- [ be32, 0x0000690c, 0x40800027 ] # il r39 0
- [ be32, 0x00004440, 0x40800002 ] # il r2 0
- [ be32, 0x000056C4, 0x4080008a ] # il r10 0
- [ be32, 0x000033b0, 0x40800017 ] # il r23 0
- [ be32, 0x0000373c, 0x4080001f ] # il r31 0
- [ be32, 0x0000325c, 0x40800003 ] # il r3 0
- [ be32, 0x00004C00, 0x40800091 ] # il r17 1
- [ be32, 0x000036d4, 0x4080001d ] # il r29 0
- [ be32, 0x000033d0, 0x40800005 ] # il r5 0
- [ be32, 0x00003744, 0x4080001e ] # il r30 0
- [ be32, 0x00003430, 0x40800006 ] # il r6 0
- [ be32, 0x000036bc, 0x4080001c ] # il r28 0
- [ be32, 0x000033c0, 0x40800005 ] # il r5 0
- [ be32, 0x00003344, 0x40800003 ] # il r3 0
- [ be32, 0x000037b4, 0x4020007f ] # spu nop
SPU_MLAA_Notes: &SPU_MLAA_Notes "Removes Morphological Anti-Aliasing, known as \"MLAA\", a form of post process anti-aliasing which is done using the CELL's SPUs instead of the RSX for extra performance."
SPU-3fd48749c90f596b24400a681adff4b0c5ff05b7: # SPUNAME: 'PS3_Release/edgepost-mlaa-task.s'
"Disable SPU MLAA - NHL Legacy Edition":
"NHL Legacy Edition":
BLUS31540: [ 01.00 ]
Serials: All
Author: nsoeth
Notes: [ *SPU_MLAA_Notes, "\n\nKnown to affect:\n\nNHL Legacy Edition" ]
Patch Version: 1.5
- [ load, *SPU_MLAA_01 ]
I've also attached the rpcs3.log, could somebody verify if I have the right SPU Hash?
Any progress on this? This would be incredible if we could properly use the resolution scaler on this game!

FWIW I resolved my frame time issues by simply changing the frame timer from detail level high to medium. Apparently that effects game performance??