openal32.dll problem (downloading and installing the dll cause another type of error)
Started by kajcsi

14 posts in this topic

12-22-2015, 01:48 PM -
(12-22-2015, 01:00 PM)weexiong Wrote: Was trying to play PS3 (Tales of Xillia) but fail.
I have followed the step as below:
Move the RAP file to folder: rpcs3 >>dev_hdd0 >>home >>00000001 >>exdata.
After that install PKG File and start the game.

Is there any step i missed?

Reading the FAQ, it would seem.
Commercial games such as Tales Xillia obviously aren't supported and won't work.
Please also see reporting guidelines. You didn't even provide a log.
You could probably try grabbing the modules from your CFW PS3, decrypting them, then placing them in /dev_flash/sys/external/ and enabling cellSre and cellSpursJq LLE through the LLE settings.
Also, how is this related to this post? (openal32.dll missing)

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RE: openal32.dll problem (downloading and installing the dll cause another type of error) - by tambre - 12-22-2015, 01:48 PM

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