Ar Tonelico Qoga : Knell of Ar Ciel [BLES01102]
Started by tr4nquility

102 posts in this topic

01-25-2014, 11:00 AM -
The emulator crashed when trying to Start the game without any FPS.
I was using latest commit (09387879a0c06f428813748f930d65f36ef03980)
The log file is attached.

Btw, when building under Visual Studio 2013 the WXWidget Project shows Include reference and Windows SDK error caused by Platform Target misconfiguration.
Works fine under Visual Studio 2012 though.


2,494 posts 63 threads Joined: Aug 2017
01-25-2014, 01:01 PM -
I can build in VS 2013 just fine, compiles with 0 errors. Even the free version works.

Also, if the emulator crashes, and doesn't even render a frame, it is not loadable is it?

01-25-2014, 01:16 PM -
Moved to general

03-03-2014, 10:53 AM -
An update to this game based on latest revision : 4770e5af084b8e9d3d2a0b8bdc99984e8beac8e8

Now the emulator doesn't crash anymore, and it shows a debug console from the game itself although still no fps shown. Screenshot is attached.
I'll update the log file on Dante's log repository later tonight.


03-13-2014, 05:16 AM -
Latest revision : 0e437312adb1b02c9e04292c1ba51f5d58acceed

This game now shows black OpenGL screen with 57 - 59 FPS.


05-20-2014, 06:33 AM -
Revision : 9209edc15cc45c54f28f3fd8088d87b885509254
This game still shows black screen with 67 FPS and a Debug Console.
Console's content :
Unable to allocate 131072 bytes
State : lockedSize   = 0
        volatileSize = 0
        freeSize     = -20447232
Block Addr:d0c80000 AlignAddr:d0c80000 Size:-20447232 Object:Unknown
        pendingSize  = 0
Unable to allocate 48 bytes
State : lockedSize   = 0
        volatileSize = 0
        freeSize     = -20447232
Block Addr:d0c80000 AlignAddr:d0c80000 Size:-20447232 Object:Unknown
        pendingSize  = 0
Unable to allocate 16 bytes
State : lockedSize   = 0
        volatileSize = 0
        freeSize     = -20447232
Block Addr:d0c80000 AlignAddr:d0c80000 Size:-20447232 Object:Unknown
        pendingSize  = 0
Unable to allocate 16 bytes
State : lockedSize   = 0
        volatileSize = 0
        freeSize     = -20447232
Block Addr:d0c80000 AlignAddr:d0c80000 Size:-20447232 Object:Unknown
        pendingSize  = 0
Unable to allocate 48 bytes
State : lockedSize   = 0
        volatileSize = 0
        freeSize     = -20447232
Block Addr:d0c80000 AlignAddr:d0c80000 Size:-20447232 Object:Unknown
        pendingSize  = 0
Unable to allocate 16 bytes
State : lockedSize   = 0
        volatileSize = 0
        freeSize     = -20447232
Block Addr:d0c80000 AlignAddr:d0c80000 Size:-20447232 Object:Unknown
        pendingSize  = 0
Unable to allocate 64 bytes
State : lockedSize   = 0
        volatileSize = 0
        freeSize     = -20447232
Block Addr:d0c80000 AlignAddr:d0c80000 Size:-20447232 Object:Unknown
        pendingSize  = 0
New joypad (0) is connected:
    * Joypad conforms to PS3 standards
    * Joypad has pressure sensitivity support
New keyboard (0) is connected.
New mouse (0) is connected. VENDOR_ID=4660 PRODUCT_ID=4660

Still loops forever in these instructions :
[E : RSXThread]: TODO: cellGcmInvalidateZcull(0x0)
[E : RSXThread]: TODO: cellGcmSetContextDmaReport(0xbad68000)
[W : PPU[1] Thread (CPUThread)[0x01794070]]: cellGcmSys warning: cellGcmSetDisplayBuffer(id=0x0,offset=0x780000,pitch=4,width=2560,height=1440)
Log is attached.


06-23-2014, 09:56 AM -
Revision :2e668cd2b610f0a200a9869c880e304400eef6d1

Now the console only shows :
New joypad (0) is connected:
    * Joypad conforms to PS3 standards
    * Joypad has pressure sensitivity support
New keyboard (0) is connected.
New mouse (0) is connected. VENDOR_ID=4660 PRODUCT_ID=4660
Those "unable to allocate" things are gone. Still shows black screen with 65 - 70 fps.

Still loops forever in this function :

02-25-2015, 09:35 AM -
Update for this title using revision : 3a9cc0a
In addition to blank screen with FPS, this game now will show "install game data" dialog.
After it finished installing, RSX will stuck when trying to open :

Log snippet for this particular issue :
HLE: E {PPU[107] Thread (installGameDataThread)[0x00a4cd1c]} sys_fs error: cellFsOpen(): '/Event/balloonsel/balloonseldata.bsb' has unknown flags! flags: 0x000002c1
HLE: W {PPU[107] Thread (installGameDataThread)[0x00a4ccdc]} sys_fs: cellFsClose(fd=0x190e)
HLE: W {PPU[107] Thread (installGameDataThread)[0x00a4c3bc]} cellSysutil: cellMsgDialogAbort()
HLE: ! {VBlank thread} VBlank thread aborted
RSX: W {RSXThread} RSX thread aborted
HLE: W {PPU[55] Thread (SpursHdlr0)[0x00000000]} sys_spu: sys_spu_thread_group_join(id=44) aborted
RSX: ! {RSXThread} RSX thread ended

Full log is also attached.

03-13-2016, 04:52 PM -
Hm, same strange path issue as with Journey.

07-17-2016, 09:02 AM -
This game can go ingame with libspurs_jq, libsre, libfs, libresc,librtc, but on newer version it crashes.

Since i don't have VS installed i downloaded multiple emucr (yeah i know that site sucks, but any emulator i got from there worked fine.) builds, and narrowed down to 2 build that breaks the game:

completely crashes with ogl and dx12 since: v0.0.1-4525-c796540

PS.: Ogl stopped working since the new OGL stuff got merged, it the last working version that doesn't crash has this error:
Quote:{rsx::thread} class gl::glsl::validation_exception thrown: compilation failed: 'Validation Error: Samplers of different types point to the same texture unit

im gonna post github issue later with logs

edit: nvm, fixes the crash, game works both OGL and DX12

edit2: a mod should move this thread to half-playable. (missing text is quite a big bug in a jrpg, it needs cellFont implemented..)

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