07-28-2017, 06:25 AM -
Game tested using rpcs3-v0.0.3-2017-07-27-7ac96f75_win64 on an i7 4770K @ 3.5 GHz, GTX 1070, 16 GB DDR3 running Windows 10-64 with the following settings:
PPU decoder: Recompiler (LLVM)
SPU decoder: Recompiler (ASMJIT)
Automatically load required libraries
GPU settings: OpenGL; Vulkan @ 1280x720 w/ VSync, Frame limit set to 60
Audio settings: XAudio2
Input/Output: DualShock 4
After the US version recently got promoted to Playable, I've decided to give the European version another try. According to the compatibility list, the last update was in late 2013, so I think it's about time
Like the US version, the European version runs great. I have played both games (KH: Final Mix & Re:Chain of Memories) for more than an hour each and watched a few minutes of the 358/2 Days FMV. During that time I came across very few bugs, none of which was really serious.
Accessing the games from the built in game selection menu worked fine for me. I didn't have to resort to loading the individual games' .self files. To start the games, I had to select "Automatically load required libraries" instead of my usual liblv2 only approach. With liblv2 I'd get a mem access violation right before each of the games' intro cinematics.
Both OpenGL and Vulkan gave me basically full speed all the time except for a couple of dropped frames during loading. The most obvious bug appeared during screen transitions in KH: Final Mix; whenever the screen faded to another scene, the game would show an image of a scene from several minutes before for like half a second. Another glitch that actually looked really funny was that Sora's skin in Final Mix had a blue tint when using OpenGL; with Vulkan, he looked normal. In Re:Chain of Memories, the player's shadow was rendered in a tiny grey box on the left side of the screen for some reason.
I'd say that just like the US version, this version of the game can be moved to Playable
PPU decoder: Recompiler (LLVM)
SPU decoder: Recompiler (ASMJIT)
Automatically load required libraries
GPU settings: OpenGL; Vulkan @ 1280x720 w/ VSync, Frame limit set to 60
Audio settings: XAudio2
Input/Output: DualShock 4
After the US version recently got promoted to Playable, I've decided to give the European version another try. According to the compatibility list, the last update was in late 2013, so I think it's about time

Like the US version, the European version runs great. I have played both games (KH: Final Mix & Re:Chain of Memories) for more than an hour each and watched a few minutes of the 358/2 Days FMV. During that time I came across very few bugs, none of which was really serious.
Accessing the games from the built in game selection menu worked fine for me. I didn't have to resort to loading the individual games' .self files. To start the games, I had to select "Automatically load required libraries" instead of my usual liblv2 only approach. With liblv2 I'd get a mem access violation right before each of the games' intro cinematics.
Both OpenGL and Vulkan gave me basically full speed all the time except for a couple of dropped frames during loading. The most obvious bug appeared during screen transitions in KH: Final Mix; whenever the screen faded to another scene, the game would show an image of a scene from several minutes before for like half a second. Another glitch that actually looked really funny was that Sora's skin in Final Mix had a blue tint when using OpenGL; with Vulkan, he looked normal. In Re:Chain of Memories, the player's shadow was rendered in a tiny grey box on the left side of the screen for some reason.
I'd say that just like the US version, this version of the game can be moved to Playable