04-09-2016, 03:34 AM -
One flag left:
Game: boot done.
{PPU Thread[0x20] (SysCacheInit)[0x00115930]} cellSysutil TODO: cellSysCacheClear()
{PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00115d58]} HLE: Last function: cellFsOpen (0x718bf5f8)
{PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00115d58]} Exception: Invalid or unimplemented flags (010000): '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/KHLauncher/Launcher.mself'
(in file C:\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\SysCalls\lv2\sys_fs.cpp:100, in function sys_fs_open)
Hope it will work before Kingdom hearts 3
PS:if you try to boot the self of the launcher.mself,rpcs3 crash
Game: boot done.
{PPU Thread[0x20] (SysCacheInit)[0x00115930]} cellSysutil TODO: cellSysCacheClear()
{PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00115d58]} HLE: Last function: cellFsOpen (0x718bf5f8)
{PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00115d58]} Exception: Invalid or unimplemented flags (010000): '/dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/KHLauncher/Launcher.mself'
(in file C:\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\SysCalls\lv2\sys_fs.cpp:100, in function sys_fs_open)
Hope it will work before Kingdom hearts 3

PS:if you try to boot the self of the launcher.mself,rpcs3 crash