Using rpcs3-v0.0.2-2017-03-22-3bfe17a1_win64
PPU Decoder:
Interpreter (fast)
SPU Decoder:
Interpreter (fast)
"Write Color Buffers" is Checked
Auto framelimit
Libraries Used:
Nothing additional checked, "Load Required Libraries" checked.
Game plays at full speed during the 2D portions with absolutely perfect audio, no pops or crackles.
Also, after running it 10 different times with different settings, I never had it crash with OpenGL Or Vulkan.
If the game is run in OpenGL with "Write Color Buffers" checked, it will show the 3D portions of the game, but squashed into the bottom text box area:
If "Write Color Buffers" is unchecked, it will be just a plain white background with no 3D models. It seems to be a similar issue as found in IM@S One for All.
If run with Vulkan instead of OpenGL, it will be just a plain white background with no 3D models whether "Write Color Buffers" is checked or unchecked:
The 2D portions of the game play perfectly in OpenGL and Vulkan.
When trying to run the game in DX12, it crashes immediately with this error:
Quote:F {rsx::thread} class std::runtime_error thrown: HRESULT = The parameter is incorrect.
(in file C:\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\D3D12\D3D12RenderTargetSets.cpp:338)
PC specs are
[email protected] / GTX1080 / Win10 / 32GB DDR4.
Logfiles attached below.