02-02-2017, 06:08 AM -
Black render window with very low fps [0.00 - 0.12] (which are frozen after a moment)
Version: 13493ec0
LLE: libsre, libspurs_jq, librtc
Additionaly, if I add libfs, the game will show Error Dialog which stops responding and I need to kill the emulator process. http://i.imgur.com/Phbx1bB.png
Also, this is a Unreal Engine 3 game AFAIK, so I tried also Catherine config - nothing changed.
tl;dr libfs freezes the emulator in this case
Version: 13493ec0
LLE: libsre, libspurs_jq, librtc
Additionaly, if I add libfs, the game will show Error Dialog which stops responding and I need to kill the emulator process. http://i.imgur.com/Phbx1bB.png
Also, this is a Unreal Engine 3 game AFAIK, so I tried also Catherine config - nothing changed.
tl;dr libfs freezes the emulator in this case