(04-09-2017, 02:35 AM)UBWMaster Wrote: (04-07-2017, 10:17 AM)Keksus Wrote: (04-07-2017, 12:40 AM)ssshadow Wrote: (04-06-2017, 05:05 PM)UBWMaster Wrote: Odd... It thinks it is a disc game when it actually is a PSN game... Maybe just reinstall the .pkg file. File --> install pkg.
I have the same problem with the PSN-Version of Demon's Souls. Reinstalling did not fix the problem there. So I kinda doubt it'll here.
Maybe delete config.yml. Yes the PSN version of Demon's Souls is known to not work but I did use the the PSN version of Persona 5 myself. I check the logs and it doesn't try to load anything from dev_bdvd. You sure you are doing a clean decryption with the .rap file and not applying some strange "fix" for real CFW PS3?
Yeah I got that error when apply fix Japanese Audio DLC when the Japanese Audio DLC itself not installed XD. Just reinstall the .pkg and it fixed. Thanks for the help man 
How exactly do you fixed that with japanese audio?
I reinstalled all the .pkg and it doesn't work either

I can install the base game and that game fix .pkg and only this version is working. But if I install japanese audio and its fix afterwards, my screen just shows an empty black screen.