01-28-2017, 02:37 AM -
Screen is black and Game Have FPS but don't show anyting
Convert to 16 bit: false
Dump to file: false
Renderer: XAudio2
Hook static functions: true
Load liblv2.sprx only: false
Load libraries:
- libadec.prx
- libapostsrc_mini.prx
- libfs.prx
- libio.prx
- libresc.prx
- librtc.prx
- libsail.prx
- libspurs_jq.prx
- libsre.prx
- libvdec.prx
- libvpost.prx
PPU Decoder: Interpreter (precise)
SPU Decoder: Recompiler (ASMJIT)
Convert to 16 bit: false
Dump to file: false
Renderer: XAudio2
Hook static functions: true
Load liblv2.sprx only: false
Load libraries:
- libadec.prx
- libapostsrc_mini.prx
- libfs.prx
- libio.prx
- libresc.prx
- librtc.prx
- libsail.prx
- libspurs_jq.prx
- libsre.prx
- libvdec.prx
- libvpost.prx
PPU Decoder: Interpreter (precise)
SPU Decoder: Recompiler (ASMJIT)