Sonic CD [NPEB00787]
Started by Dante38490

28 posts in this topic

05-18-2014, 09:20 PM -
Same Game US

Video :3

05-19-2014, 03:05 PM -
very nice Smile

06-21-2014, 08:18 PM -
Hi, plz check if this issue is only with me, but when i want to get ingame, the emu crashes. I can get into the main menu just fine, select new game and select the character, i wait for a bit, there is a black screen and then the emu crashes.
Here is the log:

06-21-2014, 09:45 PM -
Did it crash in older build ? or just recent build issue

06-21-2014, 09:54 PM -
i didnt test it in a while, so i cant tell you when it started to crash

06-21-2014, 09:58 PM -
it is a crash i doesnt work even if u open a pkg

2,494 posts 63 threads Joined: Aug 2017
06-21-2014, 11:48 PM -
Crashes here as well... Finding which commit broke it is not going to be fun, it was probably two months, if not more, since I last tested.

Would anyone like to volunteer? Tongue

06-22-2014, 06:52 AM -
i will do it
the result u gonna have very late in evening or even tomorrow

for the start revision 69cb834 will crash sonic after u press enter. revision 6bf4695 will let go into menu, but i will keep investigate

06-23-2014, 12:29 PM -
ok i have finally found the working revision, which is 1efa137 (64th revision back assuming u have got 185 revisions). Of course first revision which doesn't work is c01b5fb. I have chceked all that revisions and i have to say that some of them will allow
u to get to menu and some of them crashing emu after u press enter, when sonic character will appear. There are even some which will crash straight away after start.

(06-23-2014, 12:29 PM)metallicafor Wrote: ok i have finally found the working revision, which is 1efa137 (64th revision back assuming u have got 185 revisions). Of course first revision which doesn't work is c01b5fb. I have chceked all that revisions and i have to say that some of them will allow
u to get to menu and some of them crashing emu after u press enter, when sonic character will appear. There are even some which will crash straight away after start.
i also have to add that this project is becoming very big and i think u need more testers as amount of things rpcs3 can run is increasing and soon it will be difficult to hunt the errors down as it took me literally better part of the day, just to find last working revision, which is able to run sonic hedgehock. i hope that will help. thats my little contribution i hope it will help. good luck guys.

2,494 posts 63 threads Joined: Aug 2017
06-23-2014, 12:48 PM -
c01b5fb? That would be this issue then... I will reopen that issue.

Also, you didn't have to test all revisions. What you do is for example, let's say we have 100 revisions, 1,2,3... 99,100.

You test rev. 1 and confirm the game is broken. Then you test rev. 100 and confirm the game works. Then you test rev. 50. If the game works in rev. 50 you only need to look at revisions 2-49, because it had to break there, and not before it. If the game doesn't work you only need to look at revisions 51-99, again because you already know everything after 50 is also broken.

So let's say the game didn't work. You again test some revision in the middle of 51-99, like 75, and keep doing this, drastically speeding up the test process.

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