False Positive When Updating?
Started by LeftyG

3 posts in this topic

7 posts 1 threads Joined: May 2021
03-10-2024, 08:14 PM -
Hi all,

When updating RPCS3 to the latest 0.0.31 build, I got a false positive from Windows Defender (yes I know Windows Defender). It kept me from updating RPCS3 until I allowed to be an exception. It thought it was some trojan. I had never gotten this error before until I updated RPCS3 last night.

Messages In This Thread
False Positive When Updating? - by LeftyG - 03-10-2024, 08:14 PM
RE: False Positive When Updating? - by Zeon_Grunt - 03-11-2024, 03:41 PM
RE: False Positive When Updating? - by Ani - 03-11-2024, 05:14 PM
RE: False Positive When Updating? - by LeftyG - 03-11-2024, 06:09 PM

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