Locating the "Compiling Shaders" Folder
Started by 3cl1ps3

2 posts in this topic

2 posts 1 threads Joined: Sep 2023
09-13-2023, 07:52 PM -
I just want to say thank you for the valuable feedback and the great work on the emulator. You are right, it is 0 bytes on disk (I should have read it all when I have seen 34GB reported in Properties). I should have also been more precise about the shader caches too, I meant (in the case of deletion of the file and starting over, the system creates it again and I was thinking it will grow over time).

Thank you for the prompt reply and your amazing work once again!

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RE: Locating the "Compiling Shaders" Folder - by 3cl1ps3 - 09-13-2023, 07:52 PM

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