Serial Dupe issue.
Started by nickrossman39

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924 posts 825 threads Joined: Aug 2022
01-09-2023, 05:51 PM -
When going through the missing ps3 demo catalogue, I ran into an issue: two games with different Title IDs had the same serial number on the rpcs3 interface. The actual decrypted package file has the correct serial number, but rpcs3 recognises them as having the same serial even though the size and name* are not the same.

Titles affected
Formula One Championship Edition* NPEA90003
Formula One™ Championship Edition* NPEA90014
MotorStorm NPEA80017
MotorStorm NPEA90006

The pkg is fine using the psn pkg validator so not sure why it does that. I leave where I got Title IDs below. Once this issue is sorted I will add the missing game to the compatibility report and

Thank you in advance Ani

Note: MotorStorm NPEA80017 Does'nt seem to exist on either website so it is missing on both websites or pkg never existed in the first place.

Update: A USA version of MotorStorm NPEU80017 exists
This post was last modified: 01-09-2023, 07:21 PM by nickrossman39.

Messages In This Thread
Serial Dupe issue. - by nickrossman39 - 01-09-2023, 05:51 PM
RE: Serial Dupe issue. - by nickrossman39 - 01-21-2023, 01:42 AM

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