Singstar games not detecting Mic
Started by zoned

2 posts in this topic

2 posts 1 threads Joined: Aug 2022
08-26-2022, 04:08 AM -
Hi, I've tried

Singstar Vol 2 BCES00235
Singstar Vol 3 BCES00265
Singstar Guitar BCES00835
Singstar Latino BCUS94344

All are asking to connect a Mic even though I've got one set up. Singstar and Real Singstar options tested.

But Singstar BCUS98151 does detect the Mic... although doesn't get in game.

Any help for the other appreciated. Thanks

Messages In This Thread
Singstar games not detecting Mic - by zoned - 08-26-2022, 04:08 AM
RE: Singstar games not detecting Mic - by Ani - 08-28-2022, 01:17 PM
RE: Singstar games not detecting Mic - by zoned - 08-28-2022, 11:57 PM

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