Can I downgrade patch engine version?
Started by bnhooky

1 posts in this topic

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08-10-2021, 08:46 PM -
Recently (I'd say for around a month or so) I've been trying to run Metal Gear Solid 4 BLUS30109. It's very unstable and I'm unable to make it to the five minute mark without it crashing. On the wiki page for the game, it says there's a canary patch available that's supposed to fix this - but I haven't experienced any difference with or without it. I'm pretty sure it's because of the patch engine version for the patch requiring 1.0 while I'm on 1.2, downgrading my patch engine version to 1.0 will likely make the game work as well as the wiki says, but I have no idea how to do it, any tips?

RPCS3 Error message regarding patch engine version:

Messages In This Thread
Can I downgrade patch engine version? - by bnhooky - 08-10-2021, 08:46 PM

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