02-06-2021, 11:45 PM -
So far my best result using V01.22 is 12.59FPS and average of 69% CPU usage, i'm using these settings to get everything to be shown. I did not tested everything, because it's a quantum puzzle, but, yesterday, i had great result, with no fliquering and audio issue, but the sad thing, i didn't saved that config, and therefore forgot what i did inside.
here are some screenshots:
Here are the logs from both, on screen and log file from RPCS3 folder
If there's anything that i can do to let the game plays better, please point me, i'm really new with RPCS3, so my knowledge is limited with few days of trying.
The Log:
RPCS3.part01.rar (Size: 5 MB / Downloads: 10)
RPCS3.part02.rar (Size: 3.98 MB / Downloads: 10)
PPU Decoder: Interpreter (precise)
PPU Threads: 2
PPU Debug: false
Save LLVM logs: false
Use LLVM CPU: ""
Max LLVM Compile Threads: 0
PPU LLVM Greedy Mode: false
Enable thread scheduler: false
Set DAZ and FTZ: false
SPU Decoder: Recompiler (LLVM)
Lower SPU thread priority: false
SPU GETLLAR polling detection: false
SPU Debug: false
Preferred SPU Threads: 0
SPU delay penalty: 3
SPU loop detection: false
Max SPURS Threads: 6
SPU Block Size: Safe
Accurate GETLLAR: false
Accurate SPU DMA: false
Accurate Cache Line Stores: false
Accurate RSX reservation access: false
SPU Verification: true
SPU Cache: true
SPU Profiler: false
Enable TSX: Disabled
Accurate xfloat: true
Approximate xfloat: true
LLVM Accurate DFMA: true
PPU LLVM Java Mode Handling: false
Accurate PPU 128-byte Reservation Op Max Length: 0
PPU LLVM Accurate Vector NaN values: true
Stub PPU Traps: 0
Debug Console Mode: false
Hook static functions: false
Libraries Control:
HLE lwmutex: false
SPU LLVM Lower Bound: 0
SPU LLVM Upper Bound: 18446744073709551615
TSX Transaction First Limit: 800
TSX Transaction Second Limit: 2000
Clocks scale: 100
Sleep Timers Accuracy: Usleep Only
Performance Report Threshold: 500
Enable Performance Report: false
Lib Loader: Load liblv2.sprx only
Load libraries: []
$(EmulatorDir): ""
/dev_hdd0/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_hdd0/
/dev_hdd1/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_hdd1/
/dev_flash/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_flash/
/dev_usb000/: $(EmulatorDir)dev_usb000/
/dev_bdvd/: ""
/app_home/: ""
Enable /host_root/: false
Initialize Directories: true
Limit disk cache size: false
Disk cache maximum size (MB): 5120
Renderer: Vulkan
Resolution: 1280x720
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Frame limit: Off
MSAA: Disabled
Shader Mode: Async Shader Recompiler
Write Color Buffers: true
Write Depth Buffer: false
Read Color Buffers: true
Read Depth Buffer: true
Log shader programs: false
VSync: false
Debug output: false
Debug overlay: false
Use Legacy OpenGL Buffers: false
Use GPU texture scaling: true
Stretch To Display Area: false
Force High Precision Z buffer: false
Strict Rendering Mode: false
Disable ZCull Occlusion Queries: true
Disable Vertex Cache: false
Disable FIFO Reordering: true
Enable Frame Skip: false
Force CPU Blit: false
Disable On-Disk Shader Cache: false
Disable Vulkan Memory Allocator: true
Use full RGB output range: true
Strict Texture Flushing: false
Disable native float16 support: false
Multithreaded RSX: false
Relaxed ZCULL Sync: false
Enable 3D: false
Debug Program Analyser: false
Consecutive Frames To Draw: 1
Consecutive Frames To Skip: 1
Resolution Scale: 300
Anisotropic Filter Override: 0
Texture LOD Bias Addend: 0
Minimum Scalable Dimension: 16
Shader Compiler Threads: 0
Driver Recovery Timeout: 1000000
Driver Wake-Up Delay: 1
Vblank Rate: 100
DECR memory layout: false
Adapter: Radeon RX 580 Series
Force FIFO present mode: false
Force primitive restart flag: false
Performance Overlay:
Enabled: true
Enable Framerate Graph: false
Enable Frametime Graph: false
Detail level: Low
Metrics update interval (ms): 350
Font size (px): 10
Position: Top Left
Font: n023055ms.ttf
Horizontal Margin (px): 50
Vertical Margin (px): 50
Center Horizontally: false
Center Vertically: false
Opacity (%): 70
Body Color (hex): "#FFE138FF"
Body Background (hex): "#002339FF"
Title Color (hex): "#F26C24FF"
Title Background (hex): "#00000000"
Shader Compilation Hint:
Position X (px): 20
Position Y (px): 690
Shader Loading Dialog:
Allow custom background: true
Darkening effect strength: 30
Blur effect strength: 0
Renderer: XAudio2
Dump to file: false
Convert to 16 bit: false
Audio Channels: Downmix to Stereo
Start Threshold: 1
Master Volume: 100
Enable Buffering: true
Desired Audio Buffer Duration: 100
Sampling Period Multiplier: 100
Enable Time Stretching: false
Time Stretching Threshold: 75
Microphone Type: "Null"
Microphone Devices: "@@@@@@@@@@@@"
Keyboard: "Null"
Mouse: Basic
Camera: "Null"
Camera type: Unknown
Move: "Null"
License Area: SCEA
Language: English (US)
Keyboard Type: English keyboard (US standard)
Enter button assignment: Enter with cross
Console time offset (s): 0
Internet enabled: Disconnected
IP address:
DNS address:
IP swap list: ""
PSN status: Disconnected
Automatically start games after boot: true
Exit RPCS3 when process finishes: false
Start games in fullscreen mode: true
Prevent display sleep while running games: true
Show trophy popups: true
Show shader compilation hint: true
Use native user interface: true
GDB Server:
Silence All Logs: false
Window Title Format: "FPS: %F | %R | %V | %T [%t]"
Log: {}
here are some screenshots:
Here are the logs from both, on screen and log file from RPCS3 folder
If there's anything that i can do to let the game plays better, please point me, i'm really new with RPCS3, so my knowledge is limited with few days of trying.
The Log:
RPCS3.part01.rar (Size: 5 MB / Downloads: 10)
RPCS3.part02.rar (Size: 3.98 MB / Downloads: 10)
This post was last modified: 02-07-2021, 01:02 PM by Ani.