Incorrect Game Path
Started by cole0403

1 posts in this topic

1 posts 1 threads Joined: Jan 2021
01-10-2021, 10:36 PM -
My NCAA 14 will play however RPCS3 comes up with this such error code every time I start it up. 

E GameList: Invalid disc path found in C:/Users/fireb/Desktop/BLUS31159-[NCAA Football 14]/dev_hdd0/disc/NCAA Football 14 BLUS31159

I have tried moving my files around putting them in the RPCS3 folder and out of it but I cannot get it to go away. I appreciate any help that is offered. Thank you.

Messages In This Thread
Incorrect Game Path - by cole0403 - 01-10-2021, 10:36 PM
RE: Incorrect Game Path - by Ani - 01-11-2021, 07:30 PM

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